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I have created a two-action plan for my promotional activities, one is a Gantt chart that required a schedule of what activities need to be done before the trade show, and another one is a brochure that would be part of the promotional activities during the tradeshow.
For the Gantt Chart, I have created a schedule table and timeline showing the task name, dates, duration, and budget. First, the company will be planning who will be the manager or the team leader of these events. When the manager has been chosen, the manager needs to go through the business objective and do some research on the trade show. Even more, setting up the budget and schedule. When all the important research and scheduling is done, the manager needs to find and hire suitable staff to help with the trade show.
The team will go through the marketing plan, getting potential clients by email and creating advertisements, and post them on social media. The booth needs to be prepared and plan out, so the team needs to order furniture and prepare displays, along with brochures, gifts, stock, product demonstration, and business sheets. The team needs to be in a role and each role has its own duties and responsibilities.
The team needs to organize their logistics such as transport and hotels, as well as shipping their materials and booth equipment to the tradeshow. The team should arrive at the tradeshow before a week to set up the booth.
For the brochure I have created a simple design that will easily grab the attendee’s attention, it will be a tri-fold brochure, the front cover will be a strong composition, a focal point showing the massive title and important subtitles, back it up with a nice alluring background photo. When you open the brochure, it will show a list of best products the company can offer, it will have photos of the product and description by its side with short and simple written text. The back of the brochure will show a description of the company details such as the team information, the location of the booth, and links to the company’s social media and website.
What do you guys think? Need some feedback! ??