
Topic: Taglines/Names

Descriptor + Tagline For Language Support Business

Posted by MerlynMC on 250 Points
I'd appreciate suggestions for a tagline and an accurate description of the business I'm establishing.

Hive Language Support and Solutions will offer practical support to non-native speakers who have to use English as the international workplace lingua-franca. We will operate across various sectors and work with both individuals and businesses needing team support.

The support on offer includes working alongside professionals to copy-edit documents and reports as they are produced; helping with preparations for a specific project, meeting or presentation; providing coaching in accent reduction and general pronunciation; coaching in strategies to improve confidence in using English in specific situations such as meetings or negotiations, and providing intercultural communication training.

As you can see, it's not a concept that boils down neatly and I'm hitting a brick wall when it comes to producing a strapline.

So far, I've come up with:

Support and solutions to using English in the global workplace

Clear communication in the global workplace. Support. Solutions. Confidence.

Working together to ensure clear communication in the global workplace

Working with you to optimise communication in the global workplace

Now for the descriptor: how well does "language support and solutions" sum up the business offer?

All help and suggestions will be gratefully received!
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Tagline: Strengthen your Team's English-speaking (ability)

    "language support" is slightly misleading (since the only language you support is English) and "solutions" is vague. How about: "Improving your business' English communications"
  • Posted on Accepted
    Have you spoken with a sample of your primary target audience? That's where I would start. Find out what's important to them, how they express their need, and what they are doing now to address it.

    Is the business you want to create even interesting to them? How/when would they use it? What important and unique benefit would they expect?

    You probably ought to identify the core marketing strategy before you deal with the words you will use to promote it.

    (Note: This early-stage activity is critical to the success of your business. You might want to consider getting some outside expertise rather than take a chance by doing it yourself.)
  • Posted by chiron34 on Accepted
    Do you have direct competition in the market place? what about indirect competition? How do your prospective clients cover the services you want to provide now? Can you identify these competitors & their tag lines? We wouldn't want to come up with suggestions that may already be in use.

    What city are you in? Will you be city-specific or will (can?) you target a wider region.

    What is your modus operandi between online services & physical, face-to-face services?

    Are your clients direct to you or is it an option for you to work with companies/organisations for them to refer their employees or other persons to you for your services?

  • Posted by MerlynMC on Author
    Thank you @Jay Hamilton-Roth, @mgoodman, and @chiron34 for getting back to me with good advice, comments, and searching questions.

    To further clarify and answer your questions:

    Have you spoken with a sample of your primary target audience? Is the business you want to create even interesting to them? How/when would they use it? What important and unique benefit would they expect?

    Until recently I worked as part of an in-house team offering in-person, real-time editing on international peer reviews in the nuclear industry. This work was initiated by the organisation itself which had identified the need for support and had to fill the gap themselves.

    The editing required working in tandem with the experts, all of whom had relatively good levels of English. Despite this, most of them benefited from the support. Those who most needed it were generally relatively new to having to work exclusively in English; aged over 30; lacked confidence in their ability to understand and communicate at a high level; and lacked intercultural experience and knowledge.

    Conversations with them revealed that they valued working closely with a language expert as it gave them both a confidence boost and the tools to improve their skills while working and gaining experience in using English as the lingua-franca. They recognised also that even if their understanding and general communication skills were good, their writing benefited from editing. Partnering with an English-speaking editor in real time enabled them to produce high-quality work without the need for further interventions. They frequently expressed their frustration at the lack of a similar provision in their own organisations.

    Many of them also expressed a desire to better understand how to integrate into a multicultural team from the start, as well as how to improve their understanding of how cultural differences played out in the workplace. Their experience was that the intercultural training they received was not sufficiently targeted.

    The unique benefit would be for the contracting company or individual to be able to access tailored support that can be drawn from all three fields.

    Direct competition: I haven’t been able to locate any direct competition.

    Indirect competition: There is some overlap with English language teaching and coaching; intercultural training; and translation agencies/ editing services. Hive would operate in the area where these three businesses intersect.

    How do your prospective clients cover the services you want to provide now?
    For language issues, the stock response is to provide English lessons or to suggest the professionals undertake them themselves.

    On the editing front, if there is no urgency, they contract out to editing companies to review and edit their business documents. They may also write in their own language and use translators. If there is no time and they need to produce their work in English immediately, they utilise team-members with better English skills.

    For intercultural training, they either contract trainers or provide online training.

    What city are you in?
    In the deep English countryside! We will travel to work wherever required.

    Can you identify these competitors & their tag lines?
    Taglines for overlap business include:

    • The UK's Leading Cultural Awareness Training Provider. It’s all we do, and we do it with passion and flair.
    • Clear communication: empowering non-native (and native) English speakers to write better.
    • Building skills and confidence.
    • Empowering Business Professionals Who Speak English as a Second Language.
    • Your Voice. Your Presence. Your Strategy.
    • Business language and cultural communications training for global teams.
    • Fast, Affordable, Professional.
    • Professional Business Document Writing and Editing Services.
    • Business editing services. Perfected.
    • Better Writing. Better Results.

    What is your modus operandi between online services & physical, face-to-face services?
    We will work remotely or travel to work onsite with the individual or team as required.

    Are your clients direct to you or is it an option for you to work with companies/organisations for them to refer their employees or other persons to you for your services?
    The focus will be on working with companies/organisations, but direct clients will be very welcome.

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