
Topic: Taglines/Names

I Need A New Name For My Business

Posted by pinkribbonwi on 25 Points
My company's name is Prosthetic Orthotic Center, with Pink Ribbon Mastectomy Boutique as a DBA - they share the tax ID #. Pink Ribbon has been in the area for 15 years and is well known as a provider of mastectomy supplies. I am going to split the two businesses and need a new name. I currently provide not only mastectomy supplies, but also compression garments, lymphedema pumps, maternity pumps and wigs. I need a name that would indicate that I now offer other services as well. I am considering "The Fitting Place", but am open to other suggestions and am hoping that somebody will come up with the perfect name!! I also am concerned that rebranding will cause me to lose some business and would like your thoughts on that concern as well.
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  • Posted on Accepted
    What is triggering the split? Do you think your customers are confused?

    If I understand this correctly, one business will provide mastectomy supplies; the other will provide compression garments, lymphedema pumps, maternity pumps and wigs ... right? And "Pink Ribbon" will stay with the mastectomy supplies business?

  • Posted by nicoleanne.2 on Member
    You have several options online to help you come up with brand names. Depending on your budget there are sites with ready-to-use brands which include logos: [URLs deleted by moderator] you can choose a brand or start a naming contest.

    You can also find automated name generators, like [URLs deleted by moderator], though I think those are almost as time consuming as a traditional brainstorming. And they can even be more frustrating, as you have to filter literally hundreds or thousands of names with random word combinations without a real meaning to you.

    Hope that helps and let us know your final choice!
  • Posted by pinkribbonwi on Author
    I am splitting because the prosthetic orthotic half may be for sale in the next few months, while the mastectomy side will continue to operate for a few years.
  • Posted by nicoleanne.2 on Accepted
    I took a look at the brand name offer, and apparently there's a fair amount of brand marketplaces out there. You can add [URLs deleted by moderator] to the list. At all those sites you can filter by keyword or industry, so you should be able to come up with a name, or a good idea at least.
  • Posted by pinkribbonwi on Author
    To mgoodman - The Pink Ribbon has always provided mastectomy supplies - now I would like to add compression, wigs, maternity supplies etc. It seems that it would be in my best interest to keep part of the Pink Ribbon name, even though the name seems to imply that I only fit mastectomy supplies (Pink Ribbon Mastectomy Boutique). Perhaps I should just partially change the name to something like Pink Ribbon Fitting Solutions, or Pink Ribbon Fitting Center so I don't lose all of my current referral sources. Thanks so much for your help.
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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