
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline Needed For An Up-scale 55+ Development

Posted by heidibisbee on 250 Points
We are in need of tagline options for a 55+ up scale development. This development has walking trails, making it desirable for those that enjoy that morning or daily walk and enjoy the elements of nature around their home.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Where is the development located?
    What's the name of the development?
    Are the trails the #1 unique feature of the development? Do other developments in the area have similar features?
  • Posted on Accepted
    Where is this development? Exactly who is the primary target audience? What is most important for them? Why might they select your development over other similar developments in the area? What are the taglines of your major competitors? What is the name of your development?
  • Posted by heidibisbee on Author
    The development name is Hanifin Farms and it is located in New Hampshire. As I mentioned, the target audience is 55+ empty nesters with disposable income, who enjoy nature
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    There are likely other developments that are nature-based in your area. What's distinguishing? Are the amenities/value significantly better/different? Where is your target market located - in New Hampshire or elsewhere?
  • Posted on Accepted
    What is your communication objective for the tagline? What compelling benefit do you want your target audience to take away when they see/hear the tagline?

    Another approach: How will you evaluate suggestions for the tagline? What criteria will you use to determine a "winner?" And how will you ever know if it was the right tagline?

    "Nature's Retreat"

    "Your Home in Nature"
  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Accepted
    Hanifin Farms
    "Cultivate an Experience with Nature"
  • Posted by heidibisbee on Author
    I understand I do not have all the answers here you are looking for...I am an outside agency and have unfortunately not been given alot of info to go by which is why I'm feeling a bit stuck!
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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