
Topic: Student Questions

Tradeshow Plan In Usa

Posted by yingruiz73 on 250 Points
Please below are my activities am planning to undertake as a marketing manager before a trade-show in USA on fashion industry. Please any international professional advice me if the activity provided below have covered what I need to do before the trade-show day??

1. Develop a budget
2. Pre-visit
3. Determine/Vet the personnel Involved
4. Printing Brochures
5. Book airfares and Accommodation
6. Have a preview of the expected
7. Arrange all Required Materials
8. Verify the Budget
9. Online Marketing
10. Send personal Invitations
11. Plan Presentations

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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    And what of show attendees? Their needs, interests, wants, and preferences?
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    Assuming you have a trade show booth, there is a lot that I guess falls under your #7 "Arrange all Required Materials".

    Booth design
    Rentals of any equipment you may need (booth, furniture, carpets, AV, lead scanners, etc.)
    arranging for services - power, internet, water, cleaning, etc.
    Shipping of materials

    Your #2 and #3 aren't something I have done. I think these may be done if you are not fully running it, but instead are using others to do the trade show for you.

    And expanding on what Gary Bloomer said - the most important part is determining what you will be saying and offering so that the prospects go from being at show to achieving that next step on your sales process. All too often at trade shows, you see booths where no one is stopping and the exhibtor walks away at end of show with no results. Commonly the exhibitor doesn't have what the attendees want, exhibitor does but is not communicating it quickly and clearly so that the attendees stop, or the exhibitor does have them stop but doesn't have a plan/process to get the info and move the attendee along their sales funnel.
  • Posted on Moderator
    Start by articulating your objective for the show and identifying the way you will measure success. (If you don't know where you are going, you won't know when you get there! :) )
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    The MarketingProfs Know-How Exchange is NOT here for student homework assignments. Please pass that "comment" along to your RMIT University lecturer.
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    The MarketingProfs Know-How Exchange is NOT here for student homework assignments. Please pass that "comment" along to your RMIT University lecturer.

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