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Eager For Advices For Online Exhibition Of Double
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Objectives of Blackmores to organize online exhibition for Double Eleven has two main purposes. First, Blackmores is determined to boost the sale by the marketing of Double Eleven held by Taobao. Since 2019, Blackmores has fallen 43% in the third quarter. Based on the fact that Blackmores devoted to offering nutrition solution to the Healthy China 2030 initiative, the company is so eager to open the market in China . Second, the online exhibition is the best choice to demonstrate the principle of products and introduce the new products.
2 The first action plan before Double Eleven
Activity A (the first week,A$ 1,500 )includes time determination, booking airfares, and accommodation. The online exhibition held in China requires a group of, at least, five members. According to the Australian airline, the price of airplane ticket is approximately A$ 300. Based on the number of the group, there are A$ 1,500 in all.
Activity B (the first and second week, A$ 3,000) is focused on background design of live room for online exhibition, which is mainly light, background board.
Activity C (the third week,A$ 20,000 )mainly emphasizes on anchor assessment for online exhibition. The cost on hiring anchor is determined on the number of follower for anchors and their influence. Given that the price of Chinese anchor with 50,000 followers, A$ 20,000 is sufficient.
Activity D (the first, second, and thrid week, A$ 60,000)is used for purchasing equipments for online exhibition. The equipments is for cameras and enhancing network signal, which probably cost A$ 6,000.
Activity E (the fourth and fifth week, A$ 1,000)covers two weeks of rehearsal of equipment operation and anchor performance. During period of two weeks, adjustment and rehearsal of product introduction is the main task. And A$ 1,000 is a insurance.
3 The second action plan during Double Eleven
Depending on the history of Double Eleven, there is a promotional activity arranged by Taobao. All products are 20% off for sale. In Chinese market, customers are eager to understand the information about how the products produce and what ingredients are involved in the products. furthermore, the mass media and applications in cell phones, such as TicTock, can work together to generate a connection with customers and Blackmores. Special events in the online exhibition can be given with a relatively low price with limited number, and coupons in the mass media also can draw attention from phone users.
4. the measurement of succss fo online exhibition
the 20% rise will be achieve, comparing to last reason. And the comprehensive understanding and relative reputation in China can be seen as the profound result by online exhibition