
Topic: Student Questions

Seeking Feedback For Promotional Plan

Posted by s3815054 on 75 Points
Hi there,
I am currently a university student in Australia studying International Business (Marketing) and am seeking feedback on the promotional plan I have created for an assignment.

To give context, the assignment is based on the ability to plan and schedule promotional activities in an international business setting. Therefore I have chosen an Australian Wine company, Seppelt, that seeks to attend ProWein, an international Wine and Spirits Tradeshow.

The promotional plan I have created is composed of two parts:
1) Pre-Tradeshow Plan: plan of activities that must be completed prior to the trade show in the form of a Gantt chart/timeline.
2) Promotion Schedule: plan of promotion activities during tradeshow in the form of a runsheet.

To see the plans i have created, please see the following link:

Feedback and opinions on the feasibility of the plan, the construction, ideas presented or anything else I have missed out on, that you can think of would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

NOTES: Feedback in the form of comments on the attached spreadsheet or responses to this post are both available and appreciated

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Your schedule and preparations show a list of things to-do. How were these chosen? How do you know these are necessary? Most importantly, what's the goal of attending this tradeshow? How will you measure the effectiveness of your attendance? How will you generate sales from "showing up?" What's the ROI of this expense?
  • Posted on Moderator
    I would also plan a phase 3: follow-up after the show.

    Most important: start with a clear objective and the metrics you will use to evaluate success.
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    The MarketingProfs Know-How Exchange is NOT here for student homework assignments. Please pass that "comment" along to your lecturer.

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