
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name Company

Posted by ellanes2307 on 250 Points
What do you think of the company name? The name is Wollowas
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  • Posted on Accepted
    I don't think it is a good name unless the name means something to your target audience. How did you come up with the name? What is it supposed to communicate? To whom?

    What does your company do? What benefit can your target audience expect when they deal with you? How are you different from/better than your competition?

    What is a Wollowas? (Or are you referring to the Wallowa mountains in Oregon, in which case you would need to at least spell it correctly)?
  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Accepted
    Seems meaningless.
    Not 100% sure how to pronounce it.
    Spelling seems random (wouldn't remember it).
    I do not think it's a good name.
  • Posted by chiron34 on Accepted
    There is no doubt that choosing a business name is difficult. What is surprising however, is that so many businesses adopt names that are meaningless and do not convey any message. Names can be generic, descriptive or fanciful. Any lawyer will tell you that a fanciful name is the best sort of name because it is the easiest to protect from encroachment by competitors. A fanciful name is one where no picture comes to mind. No one knows what a Microsoft, a Xerox, a Google or a Yahoo looks like.

    There is unfortunately a downside to their use. Firstly, it takes considerable time, energy and money to persuade people that the name stands for something. Secondly, the name itself does not position the company (or its’ products and services for that matter) in the marketplace.

    The second alternative, which is a little more difficult to protect, are the descriptive names that help position a company and its products and services because they send out useful information. There is no doubting what Brenda’s Bakery or Larry’s Landscaping do. Descriptive names are preferable from a marketing point of view because they impart enough about a company and its products and services for ready identification, and they are unique and stick in people’s mind in a way that can help block out competitors.

    The last alternative is to use a generic name such as Modern Bicycles or The Office Cleaners. These names do not impart any individual identity.

    However, as earlier indicated, choosing a business name is both difficult and subjective. The name therefore should say what the business is and should lead to positive psychological associations that will contribute to the public image of the business. Names therefore must

    • provide a launch pad for the Company’s brand,
    • facilitate the Company’s promotional and marketing activities,
    • become the public face of the Company,
    • be memorable, distinguishing and descriptive,
    • be able to be connective with appropriate and distinctive logos,
    • be reflective of the businesses’ public image, and
    • promote confidence in the business’ ability to deliver effective and positive outcomes.

    Are you sure that ‘Wollowas’ can meet all those important requirements?
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating! #stayhome #staysafe


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