
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Employee Benefits

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I am looking for a tagline for an employee benefits brochure for a drinks company. Maybe something around spirits or cocktails?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Why do you need something clever? Assuming this is a serious document for employees, why wouldn't they want to read the brochure since the information is likely relevant to their needs.
  • Posted on Moderator
    Why does an employee benefits brochure need a tagline? What is the purpose? How will you judge suggestions? What makes for a winning tagline?

    Why not simply: "Bacardi Employee Benefits"
  • Posted by chiron34 on Accepted
    Your question raises more questions as to what you are actually seeking. A tagline is not generally targeted at a company's staff. A tagline is generally attached to a company name to provide a positioning statement to help customers and clients understand the purpose of the business and be attracted to it. However, that is not what you are requesting. The word 'tagline' has specific connotations, and in the context of this forum, it is a word that is defined quite specifically.

    Are you really just looking for a promotional statement to attract staff to the existence of your employee benefits brochure and to get them to read it? If so, you are not looking for a tagline but may be you are looking for something lie this:

    The XXXCompany Employee Benefits Brocure: Keeping up your spirits with a cocktail of useful and important information.

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