
Topic: Taglines/Names

Project Name For Enhancing Quality Management Syst

Posted by sanjeev.balan on 125 Points
Want to launch a quality initiative focusing on enhancing current quality and reliability levels both in product and process design
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Who and where are your primary target audience? What do you want them to know/do? What compelling benefit can they expect? Why should they care?

    What is the name of your company? Who is sponsoring this initiative? Does the target audience know your organization? Is the current reputation/image consistent with the new initiative?

    If you can answer these questions we can craft a good name for you.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Are you planning to utilize well-known quality management systems to achieve your goals? If so, which ones?
    Why should the target audience care about improving quality/reliability (what's in it for them)?
  • Posted by chiron34 on Member
    You cannot ‘launch a quality initiative focusing on enhancing current quality and reliability levels both in product and process design’, without a benchmark to establish that your existing quality and reliability standards are at an optimum, or should be increased. This approach of course has some implications for your Company’s profitability and productivity. Do you periodically and independently validate your quality and reliability levels? If not, then my advice is that you need to do this now, otherwise your Company could be leaving money on the table, particularly if your intention is to simply continue to produce more of the same.

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