
Topic: Taglines/Names

Best Name For Fundraising Committe

Posted by lydia.arisbrown on 250 Points
We are forming a fundraising committee for a newly opened agricultural-based elementary school. We are looking for a better name then just fundraising committee. Something more attractive and fitting.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    What's the name of the school? Where is it located?
    Is there a specific goal you're raising money for?
  • Posted by lydia.arisbrown on Author
    Truxton Academy Charter School which opened on 9/4. It is the first truly rural charter school in NYS. It is located in Truxton, NY. Money needs to be raised in order to run the school programs that we have planned. We are a public school, but receive less funding per student then a traditional public school. Here are a few of the things that we are trying to raise money for. We need two school vans for field trips to our local agro-business partner locations. Also, we have a rural life lab in our school proposal. We need money for green houses, chicken coop, animal barn, etc... Lastly, we would like to participate in the Farm to School program. The goal is to use 30% of food used in school meals from locally sourced products. This food would be grown at the school and procured from local agro-businesses. We appreciate any ideas!
  • Posted on Accepted
    I'd focus on the "big-idea" objective, not the fundraising:

    Educational Excellence Committee

    Agriculture Education Assurance Committee

    Partners in Agriculture Education

    Assuring the Next Generation in Agriculture
  • Posted by lydia.arisbrown on Author
    Thank you!
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Another approach, focus on the community aspect of growing the school (like a barn-raising): "The School Raising Team" (where the "raising" can be for $).

    Or consider "The Future Growth Team" (a play off your school's tagline).
  • Posted by chiron34 on Accepted
    Truxton Academy Charter School Future Growth Committee
    … Training Tomorrow’s Farmers Today
  • Posted by lydia.arisbrown on Author
    Great ideas!
  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Member
    You might want to consider using the term "Farming Professionals" if it fits into your strategy.
  • Posted on Moderator
    So now the key question: How are you going to decide on the name? What criteria will you use to pick a "winner?" And how will you ever know if the one you pick was really the best candidate?

    (This is usually the question we ask up-front so we don't deplete precious creative juices on naming directions that will be rejected immediately. Best answer: Prepare a tight Creative Brief. )

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