
Topic: Social Media

Men, Ageless Skincare, Catchy Phase

Posted by antashmi on 250 Points
Hello I am in need of some catchy phrases that will catch mens attention regarding remaining ageless with a great skin care plan. Like just because your retired with a petition doesn't mean you have to let your wife get all the attention. Something to make men to take care of their skin too. Please help something catchy yet fresh and new. I hope you can help

Melissa Carmela
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Who specifically are you targeting? Age? Location? Income level?
    Are these men already sensitive to their looks, dress, and/or health?
    What are they doing now to take care of their skin? Why should they switch? Why should they choose what you're offering (instead of going to one of your competitors)?

    You don't need a catchy phrase to get their attention. You need a solid reason that appeals to their needs with appropriate proof of your claims.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Jay took the words out of my keyboard: "You don't need a catchy phrase to get their attention. You need a solid reason that appeals to their needs with appropriate proof of your claims."

    If your target audience doesn't think they need what you're selling, no catchy phrase will make them want to buy.

    Can you answer the questions Jay has posed?
  • Posted by kajmagnus3 on Accepted
    Hi Melissa

    @Jay wrote:
    > You need a solid reason that appeals to their needs

    That's so well said :- )

    Random ideas, if you're targeting the men themselves, and they're getting old:

    - Age attractively
    - Be both old and attractive
    - Old man with a soft skin
    - Old man with a happy partner

    Or maybe if you're targeting their partners:

    - Make your old man's skin soft again
    - Soft feet for your husband, so he can go running and stay healthy

    - A love gift for your husband
    - Some love for your old man
    - Soften your relationship

    Or if you're targeting their children?

    - Soft feet for your (old) dad — so he can go for long walks and stay healthy.
  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Accepted
    "Because Your Skin Ages Before You Do"
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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