
Topic: Taglines/Names

Art Patron "loyalty" Card

Posted by chadmbanks on 500 Points
Our community is going to launch an arts and culture patron loyalty-type card program. It will be across all arts organizations in our community from museums to workshops to performing arts. The idea will be that for each event or activity one attends, they get their card punched. After certain numbers of punches, there will be gifts or prizes. We're hoping to encourage more awareness of the arts through the program but also more attendance, particularly for the local museums. I'm trying to come up with a catchy name for the card but so far, Art Card is the best I can think of. Any help would be appreciated. THANKS!
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  • Posted on Accepted
    What is the name/location of your community? Perhaps we can incorporate an appeal to community pride. Is there an overarching organization name (e.g., OurTown Arts Council, etc.)?
  • Posted by chadmbanks on Author
    Sorry I forgot to mention that - Rock Springs
  • Posted on Accepted
    Rock Springs Arts Patron V.I.P. Card

    Rock Springs <3s T<3s (Loves tHE ARTs)
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Are you expecting the name of the card to explain the benefit of getting/using the card or will you have a marketing blitz to explain the "big picture"? I'm not sure if the words "Art Card" explain why someone should be carrying it with them or if those words somehow convey a discount purchase price of artwork.

    In the meantime, a couple of random name ideas: "Stamp Out Art" or "Punch Out Art".
  • Posted by chiron34 on Accepted
    My thought povokers are:

    Rock Springs Creative Arts Patron Card
    Rock Springs Creative Arts Fan Card

    As this is is the basis for the award of prizes for attendance or participation in workshops and events, have you undertaken a comprehensive review of the possible financial effects of community popularity beyond your expectations. The retail sector in particular is littered with the dead bodies of loyalty programs that simply got out of financial control and created serious difficulties, both financial and management, for the sponsors.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    You can perhaps do some around the world theme. Visit different arts events as if thy were different countries.

    Or basic (but works well) would be the Arts VIP card options suggested above.

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