
Topic: Taglines/Names

Dog Mascot Name + Tagline

Posted by marketing on 250 Points
Looking for a fitting dog name for our dog mascot with a tagline.
We are a bus transportation company, ranging from school passengers to luxury travel.
So the slogan needs to be relate-able to the company and our message. Mascot will attend events and be on our schoolroute buses etc.
Currently Hecter the bus inspector is all I have. Looking for more suggestions please?
I will be doing a dance song movement for him as well, suggestions?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    What's the name of your company?
    What's the thinking behind creating a dog mascot for your advertising?
    What's remarkable/different about your company's services?
    What region do you serve?
  • Posted on Accepted
    We can definitely come up with suitable names, but we will need to have more information. Can you answer Jay's questions?

    When we come up with several name candidates, how will you select a "winner?" What criteria will you use? (If we know this, the chances of success go up quickly. If we don't, the chances that we'll come up with anything useful are slim.)

    Who is your primary target audience? Where? What does success look like for you? How will you know if your name/tagline are communicating the desired message? What is that message?
  • Posted by chiron34 on Accepted
    Is your mascot a specific breed of dog? Will he be a lovable puppy for your schoolchildren pax to identify with, or a more mature dog? Any specific (perhaps unusual) colour, eg, silver or gold?
    How long has your bus company been in the transport business?
    What is the one factor that, in your opinion, makes your company stand out from your competitor transport companies?
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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