
Topic: Taglines/Names

Supply Chain Newsletter Title

Posted by ast77477 on 125 Points
I am currently in the process of designing and producing an internal quarterly newsletter for the Supply Chain department of a company that specializes in cancer research and prevention.

The design element is just about there, however, the publication is short of a title.

If anyone can help of think of anything catchy it would be appreciated. The current working title is the 'Supply Chain Insider'. As you can see, we are in dire need of a catchy name.

Thanks in advance,
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    What is the department called officially? Unofficially?
    What need-to-know information will the newsletter be publishing?
    What's the name of the company (if you want a naming tie-in)?
  • Posted on Moderator
    It's not clear why a "catchy" title is needed. Who is the target audience for your newsletter, and why is it likely to be of value to them? What important (or interesting) information will the newsletter contain?

    "Catchy" titles usually signal that the publisher doesn't really think the material is important to anyone, so they seek to amuse or entertain with "catchy" puns or innuendoes.

    Does the supply chain department provide a valuable service to the company? Why not communicate that instead of something "catchy?"
  • Posted by chiron34 on Member
    What is the most specific benefit the Supply Chain department provides to the organisation?
    Can you directly link that benefit to the organisation's public profile? In other words, can you draw a link between the Supply Chain department's work and the organisation's public reputation?
  • Posted by ast77477 on Author
    the name of the company is MD Anderson Cancer Center and I am over our monthly internal newsletter. It is just a newsletter within our own dept that will highlight important dates and facts going on within our own area. It will not affect the rest of the cancer center as it is sort a morale booster in our dept that will point to employees who are showing exceptional customer service or went above and beyond to exhibit our core values of caring, integrity, and discovery.
  • Posted on Accepted
    MDACC's Supply Chain Department Newsletter
  • Posted by chiron34 on Accepted
    ... The Supply Chain Department Supports the MDA Cancer Centre

    ... The MDA Cancer Centre's Supply Chain Department
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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