
Topic: Taglines/Names

Next To Impossible Describing A Latent Product

Posted by karen on 125 Points
I've come up with a woman's wallet/key-chain with a hook device that is a quality leather product. Problem is I need to teach everyone how it works and the benefits (easy access to keys/cards & never loose your cards) when I direct sell at Artisan fairs.

I've used "Never lose your keys again" as a tagline at direct sales where I can demo but now trying to get into retail I don't think that make much sense if it's on a shelf.

So what do you think of these:

"Wallet + Key-chain = Superior Convenience"

"Wallet meets Key-chain for Superior Convenience"

or something else? to see a demo if that helps
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Overall, you are probably headed in the right direction with "Wallet meets Key-chain for Superior Convenience," but you might want to include some reference to safety/security, since this is also a benefit that would probably appeal to your target audience. ("Wallet meets Key-chain for Safety, Security, and Convenience") "Superior convenience" begs the question of how you measure or support "superior" ... superior to WHAT?

    You might also consider an image that explains the product visually, instead of trying to do so in words alone. Just use the words to communicate the benefit -- as in "Safe. Secure. Convenient."
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    When you are selling it at fairs, what phrase do you use to initially start a conversation with fair goers? After describing it, and people express an interest in it, what words are people using to describe it back to you (or their friends/family)? For retail, focus on the package's imagery first, and words secondarily. If you can convey the benefit visually, you're way ahead of the game.
  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Accepted
    You would need 2 pictures- One beautiful shot of wallet, closed or partially open. One equally well staged of the wallet open with key-chain out for use. This text, big, big font, heading the pics:
    "Wallet and Key-chain... Safe. Secure. Convenient."
    The second pic could be of the wallet in-use in an almost deserted parking lot. Do it professionally, with excellent lighting, so the detail is obvious.
    Try to put yourself in the buyer's position- What would it take to get you interested enough in this to compel you to buy it? You want to trigger both emotional and logical urges to purchase.
  • Posted by karen on Author
    Thanks everyone, at fairs I usually start off with, "Have you ever heard of a Keysie?" I get 50/50 response either "No, I haven't" or "No thanks I'm all set" The former will lead me into a demo. My tent is sparse compared to seasoned sellers and I feel like I have to engage rather then sit back and let people browse as other sellers do (who sell items that are known to all) but here in northeast people are not so friendly and engaging as other parts so I have my work cut out for me.
    My packaging is only a hang tag. no box so they can feel the quality of the leather and hardware however that's not easy to convey over the internet to justify the price plus the fact i need to seek out the early adopters. i might be looking at a crowdfunding campaign, where the early adopters are. Thanks for all your help!

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