
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Primesure Healthcare Solutions

Posted by indira85amim on 250 Points
Medical Coding training academe with placement assisstance, and handling outsourcing projects from US
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    It sounds like you offer training for students and also offer consulting of projects from the US. If so, who is the tagline for - potential students (Who are located where? Why would they want to get trained by you instead of attending another academe in their region?) or clients (What specifically do you offer them? Why are you better/different than other consultants?)?
    Also, where are you located?
  • Posted on Accepted
    Many questions:

    Why do you want a tagline? Will it replace an existing tagline? (If so, what is it and why replace it?)

    Assuming you don't currently have a tagline and have a clear reason to want one, what would you want the tagline to communicate? To whom? Where?

    How will you evaluate any suggested taglines? What are the criteria for selection? How will you know if you've made the right decision?

    What's the name of your company? How are you different from/better than your competitors? What unique benefit should your clients expect when they deal with you?

    Can you please answer Jay's questions (above) as well as these? We'll be glad to be of assistance once we have more information.
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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