
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Real Estate Husband/wife Team

Posted by valentina on 250 Points
I would like a tagline for my husband and I, he just joined me in Real Estate Sales as a team member. My first name is Valentina...would like to use that in our slogan and team name
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  • Posted on Moderator
    Do you want a team name or a tagline ... or both? What is the purpose of the tagline? What do you want it to communicate?

    The best taglines promise an important and unique benefit for the target audience. Who is your primary target audience? Where? What makes you different from, and better than, all the other realtors in your area? Why should someone in your target audience choose you? Is there something about the name "Valentina" that would be seen by the target audience as an important selection criterion?
  • Posted by valentina on Author
    I am looking for both a team name and tag line. I like the uniqueness of my name Valentina... I also believe my husband and I are a perfect team whereas our talents complement each other... I would like t target sellers however I don’t want to scare off a buyers. We pride ourselves in our dedication to providing quality service with integrity.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Unfortunately, I doubt that "dedication to providing quality service with integrity" is really unique. It's also focused on YOU, not on your target audience. And most realtors promise something like that. The result is that prospective clients discard claims like that almost immediately. No benefit for them and not really unique.

    I also don't understand the benefit of having a unique name. Is there a hidden benefit in that for your target audience? Do clients prefer realtors with "unique" names?

    I know it's not easy, but you really need to figure out what makes you different/better -- what unique benefit can your target audience expect? Without some real substance, any claims or words are going to be ineffective.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Romeo & Juliet might have a benefit of name recognition (easy to remember), Still, without any further substance it could backfire. Sometimes called negative branding.

    I agree with mgoodman, What will be your target market's perception of your brand verses the many other 'couples' real estate brands? In Southern California's high end markets, there are successful couples real estate brands tied to well branded names like 'Christies Real Estate' because they are sibling brands of a trusted parent brand. And these sibling brands require delivering with superior services that build trust and reputation.

    You really need to start by researching the existing known competitors brands. What keywords, search phrases and general content do they provide? How many ways can you describe your target segment (niche). What do the competitors all say in common? What do they not say that you could claim. Your claim can be reduced to a written positioning statement. And it should be the basis for your name, your tagline your website and all brand communications going forward.

    Hope this helps.

  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Accepted
    Using the info available here so far-

    Valentina's Real Estate Group
    "Quality and Integrity for Buyers and Sellers"
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    What's your husband's name? What specific property type and/or region will you specialize in?
  • Posted by valentina on Author
    hmmmm, difficult...i guess just looking for something catchy. We are in NY, mostly boros of Queens Nassau and Suffolk.
    Husband name is John Lynch....
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Imagine you're someone looking to buy/sell property in that region. Do you think a catchy name would make people want to hire your services? Or, would a name that clearly states your expertise/specialty be more enticing?
  • Posted by rakesh_sethia80 on Accepted
    You can try these:
    Valentina & John Associates -- Creating value for you.
    John & Valentina Partners -- The real estate experts
    ValentinaJohn Estates -- where creativity meets perfection.

    Thank you.
    Rakesh Jain
  • Posted by valentina on Author
    Thank you
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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