
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For 13x10 Envelope

Posted by schwoerer on 125 Points
We are sending out Marketing envelopes with a 3D model of our CyberCommand Panel to Smart Home Builders.
A tagline to create interest to open the envelope instead of throwing it away is what we need.
Information about our product is found at:

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  • Posted on Moderator
    My malware blocker doesn't like that URL.

    Let's try this: Answer a few questions instead.

    1. Who is the primary target audience? Where?

    2. What important and unique benefit can they expect if they open the envelope? What's in it for the target audience to do what you want them to do?

    3. Who is your primary competition? What do they promise in their marketing materials and advertising?
  • Posted by schwoerer on Author
    1. Who is the primary target audience? Where? High End Home Builders /US - eventually the owner of the Smart Home.

    2. What important and unique benefit can they expect if they open the envelope? What's in it for the target audience to do what you want them to do?

    Introduction of a brand new approach, bundled Hardware and Service.
    Cyber Security and Cyber Privacy services for the connected Home.

    3. Who is your primary competition? What do they promise in their marketing materials and advertising?
    No competition as far as we know. There are some consumer products who promise Cyber Security but we are in the managed and monitoring service - the competition is not.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    While you're selling a service, the reason a person might open the envelope is because you're solving a problem/concern they have. What specifically is that problem (their smart home may invite cyber invasions of privacy?)? And if others can do something similar (whether or not they are managed/monitoring), then why should they be interested in what you offer (why isn't what the competition "good enough")? Finally, why should some trust their cyber security to you?
  • Posted by schwoerer on Author
    Great questions - thank you.
    Our target market for now is not the end user, but the Home Builder. Security as a Service for Smart Homes is a new concept, the traditional service providers are not touching End Users and their devices. Not enough margin, too much troubleshooting. Our solution is a complete Infrastructure we are using in the business world where compliance is a must. Connected homes are under no regulation but in some cases have more devices on their network then your local dentist.
    We are providing this infrastructure as a first and most important layer of defense. The $200 Norton Core or Bitdefender Box2 are for End users. Our final customer should live in a 1 Million Dollar Home and is glad to pay for Cyber Security and Cyber Privacy as a service.
    Hope this helps.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Some phrases to consider: "Active Cyber Monitoring For Smart Homes", "Smart Homes Need Smart Cyber Security", and "The Professional Cyber Security Smart Home Solution".
  • Posted by chiron34 on Member
    It may be your home, but we protect it from cybersecurity threats.

    It may be your home, but we give you peace of mind with our cybersecurity protection.
  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Member
    "Hackproof Your Smart Home...We're the Guard Dogs at the Gate!"

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