
Topic: Strategy

Handling Internal Emails/communication

Posted by ejosephsilva on 125 Points
I am starting a small marketing agency and am trying to figure out how to handle the barrage of email I have seen in past efforts.

We get a lot of emails into our "info@", "sales@", and our "media@" and it becomes pretty overwhelming for a small team of five to manage. We continually lose emails and/or conduct a ton more communication to just send a reply than is needed.

Anyone have any shared inbox tools and/or face similar issues? Thank you and your insight is super appreciated!

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Are you worried more about spam emails or lots of leads to the various email inboxes (and are trying to create a system to manage them)? If it's the latter, then consider using CRM software to keep track of the leads.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    Please clarify. Is the issue too much spam at these addresses? Or is it how to handle having multiple employees all reading the same email address and ensuring that correspondence is done, and only once? Or is it too many responses you want to be getting but that your team just doesn't have the time to handle them? Or something else?
  • Posted by simplelogicplaintext on Accepted
    If you're using the gmail client, I would suggest trying for a day or to to classify the emails into the tabs, maybe even create your own tabs, marking them as important and starring them, stuff like that. Gmail has the most advanced machine learning and AI powering it, and it will start to do a lot of those things for you after you "train it" for a little.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Sign up for Basecamp or Slack and direct all incoming mail to one of these platforms. Apportion responsibility for acting on incoming mail from there. Set up filters so that spam always goes to the trash.
  • Posted by dubois on Member
    Yes, @KSA, that's one reason I've stopped writing responses.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Yes, KSA. Lack of engagement of the author (who asked the question) does bug me too. And so do other oddities ... like failure to identify the target audience, specify bricks-and-mortar or online or both, share the name of the business when asking for tagline help, tell us WHY they want a tagline, etc. (I'm sure there are others.)

    I try to remind myself that many things I've learned about marketing are not obvious to non-marketing folks, and that offsets my frustration somewhat. Ultimately, though, I remind myself that someday a well-presented response will trigger a search hit that will lead a new marketing novice to my response on KHE, and that person will hire me as a consultant.
  • Posted by ejosephsilva on Author
    Thank you everyone for your message.

    I appreciate the insight on spam, but I am primarily looking at ways to manage leads. The spam filters do a pretty good job for me, but how do I manage all the leads in a timely response given how busy my team and I are already (i.e. my delay to reply to this message chain...sorry @ksa and mgoodman!).

    @Gary--love that suggestion. Thank you!

    @simplelogic: do you use Google labels to then assign this to others on the team?

    Sorry for the frustration in my question, new here and surely I will learn the forum etiquette soon. Thank you for your patience:)

  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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