
Topic: Branding

Company Name Change To Parent Co. What About Jingle

Posted by caffn8d on 250 Points
Approximately 1 year ago we created a brand for a local retailer who previously had no real brand. The creative has been well received by employees and customers alike. We included a jingle which has essentially been used under all commercials as an instrumental with a tag sing at close. The closing tag of the jingle includes the company name, sung. The company name is now changing to that of the parent company. It's the same ownership, same employees and same philosophies. They just want to unify all of their stores. I realize it may be hard to say without hearing the jingle, but I'd love some feedback. The question is do we keep all the lyrics in the full jingle and the music bed exactly the same but, sing the company name differently, or do we update the jingle completely? They want people to know it's the same owners since they have a good reputation. Our team is split on the handling of the jingle. Thanks for your feedback.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    If you were hired today to create a jingle for the parent company, would you craft the same basic jingle with music? If not, then you'll want to morph the old into the new. Keep the old and consider adding a voiceover (now ABC Corp.) for a while, then migrate to a new jingle. If the old jingle can still serve, then make the small changes necessary for reuse.

    Without knowing any more of the details, it's the best advice I can offer.
  • Posted by caffn8d on Author
    Thank you for your feedback. Yes, I realize it's difficult with limited information but I just wanted to put out some general feelers. Your opening question is a great one and I will use it to challenge the team. For me, the answer would be "no." I would not use the same jingle. Though, the jingle was largely created to be a compliment to the former company name. So, it has a nice built-in rhyme and alliteration in the tag that precedes the company name. Simply changing the company name now doesn't feel as good with the alliteration, but it is a recognized jingle at this point so keeping it to some extent holds value.
  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Accepted
    Think about keeping the jingle the same, or very similar, musically and maybe even using a good portion of the same words/phrasing, but changing the company name. That way, a casual listener/current-customer will not really notice anything, but a new customer will get the new name while probably still associating the old jingle with the new (because of the similarity).
  • Posted by caffn8d on Author
    Thank you, Mike. That's where we are now. I was curious though if others felt that is the thing to do. We have kept everything, but the one word...the company name. Some feel it doesn't work because we lose the original alliteration while others feel listeners may not notice much of a change. The half of the team that feels we ought to simply change the name also insists that's the right way to handle it since we want folks to know nothing has changed but the name.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    A lot depends on whether you could change the jingle to use the new name and still have it sound good. If you can't, then the answer is there.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Given that the jingle is only a year old, you may be overvaluing its contribution. If you created an advertising element that you all believe is working, you can do it again with a new vehicle that is just as effective ... but with the new name.

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