
Topic: SEO/SEM

Indexation Issues Google Search Console

Posted by r.knaapen on 250 Points
Hi guys,

For one of our Customers Protislank we encountered several indexation problems. This company has 2 domains .nl and .be.

- For the .be domain we have 364 submitted urls and only 242 indexed. This hasn't changed for months
- Also we see the total indexed pages grow per week for .nl and .be, But i can't figure out where the extra pages come from.
- another issue is the href-lang tag which can't be found according to search console, but when i look into the source code there is a hreflang tag placed -> view-source:

Could you please advise me what to do with these issues.
For example is there a tool to check all the indexed pages according to search console?

Kind regards,

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  • Posted by Jim Greenway on Accepted
    We had a problem with indexing when I first joined the company I worked for and found we had issues with DNS. MOZ is a tool I use sometimes for locating issues. I have included a link that may help with what you are experiencing. The blog post is extensive but might help.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
  • Posted by matthewmnex on Accepted
    Ensure that your sites have a 301 redirect between and If not, these will be considered as 2 different sites by google. This might explain where extra page indexes are coming from.

    From a user standpoint, they should see the same content whether they type www. Or not but from the point of view of the technology they are 2 different domaina. Choose one as default and re direct the other to the default.

    Good luck
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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