
Topic: Website Critique

Website Critique

Posted by andrew.scaife on 250 Points for critique please.

I don't like it so no need to be kind!

We are B2B only and want to focus on the ProSolve, Sapphire and Warrior brands (Newtech coming soon).

It has previously been developed with sub domains, I'd be interested in your thoughts on this approach.

It's on Wordpress and WooCommerce.

Looking at building functionality that adds the ability for smaller businesses to login and use the site to purchase, we currently just send all product enquiries to the sales team.

I'd be interested in what you think at the 2-3 things that we MUST focus on.

If you need any further clarification or have any questions, then just ask..

Thanks all in advance.

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Your home page is focused on YOU, not YOUR CLIENT.
    Who specifically buys from you (or should)? Why?
    What is your promise to your customer - better service? better pricing? better products? customization? better terms? faster delivery?
    For example, "I have now been trading with Blue Diamond for over three years and during all that time I have found you and your company to be very professional in all its dealings." - I'd expect that you'd be very professional. What makes working with you remarkable?
  • Posted on Accepted
    Just visited your site. Needs to tell site visitors why they should care about what you do/sell. What is the unique and compelling benefit I can expect if I deal with you?
  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Accepted
    It seems like an old school commercial/industrial product vendor who just hands you a line card and says, "This is what we sell." There's too much competition today for that to work well. These days a professional needs a personality to hit it big.
  • Posted by andrew.scaife on Author
    Thanks so far guys, A lot of the comments are focused about the relationship with clients and potential clients - we need to change the hero image to focus on real people too!
    We do respect customers, I guess we need to show and PROVE that we respect them and that they are all partners of ours.
  • Posted by joy.levin on Accepted
    I would also suggest you look at some websites of your competitors. How do they communicate? What sorts of content (whitepapers, etc.) do they offer? How do they engage with their target audience? And most importantly, what are some of your strengths when compared with these competitors and how can you leverage these strengths in communicating with your target audience about what THEY need (which, as noted above, is somewhat different from what YOU offer)?

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