
Topic: Website Critique

What Does Website Convey Now? How To Improve?

Posted by tomwatts4 on 250 Points
We are reviewing our positioning and messaging for the coming year's marketing of our wealth management services. We are also considering adopting a tagline for the wealth management business that differentiates us. Some are confused by us having investment banking as well as wealth management. For others that adds significant credibility.

What message do you take away from the current website? How would you suggest improving it to differentiate us from the thousands of other wealth management firms?

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    What is your URL?
    Who specifically are your clients?
    How ARE you different from your competition?
  • Posted on Accepted
    Simplify. Clear single-minded message. Benefit oriented.

    What's the compelling positioning benefit? Pick a specific target audience and let them know why they want YOU on the case. It's not because you have a nice pedigree. It's because you can do something for them that nobody else can do. It's a BENEFIT, not a resume or a collection of principles.

    If it were up to me, I'd have separate websites for investment banking and wealth management. The target audiences are different for each one, and the important benefits are too. "Independence, Integrity, expertise and client focus" are generic in your business. Everyone claims them. You need to focus on what makes you different from, and better than, your competition. And those differences will be different for each of your business segments.

    This sounds like a juicy assignment for a positioning consultant. (I'm salivating already!)

    The website looks "pretty." Lots of neat pictures, mostly "clean" (though too many words). What it lacks is a clear and substantive benefit promise to a very specific target audience. What is the objective of the website? If it's just to have a web presence, then it's just a matter of injecting a clear benefit promise. If you expect it to generate leads, there's a whole 'nother set of questions we'd need to ask/answer. (Example: How do people find your website?)

    If you want to discuss, let me know. Use the email address in my profile.

    Side note: The nav-bar at the top interferes with your logo. Needs to be adjusted.

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