
Topic: Taglines/Names

I Need A Tagline For My Medical Billing Firm

Posted by nithya on 25 Points
I've been trying to write attractive taglines for my company. Most of them aren't good enough. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    What are you trying to say about your firm?
    What's their name?
    What taglines have you come up with?
    Why do you think they're not "good enough"? Judged by who?
  • Posted on Moderator
    Why do you want a tagline? What would you like it to communicate?
  • Posted by nithya on Author
    I would like to communicate about our billing expertise. A smart, snappy tagline can increase brand recall and grab attention. Thanks for your response.
  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Accepted
    So... A smart, snappy tagline to communicate about the billing expertise of your company.
    Okay, now we're getting somewhere! (Note: That's not your tagline)

    "We Make the List and Check it Twice"
    "Accurate, Legible, Payable"
    "Bills on time...You can bank on it!"
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    "A smart, snappy tagline can increase brand recall and grab attention." Nonsense.
  • Posted by nithya on Author
    I'm sorry if I haven't been clear enough. I'm the content writer of a medical billing company and handle the online presence of our firm. It'd be great to have a lot of catchphrases, slogans and taglines to add to my content. I would be grateful if you could add a dash of spice to my web content.

    I want to convey:

    24/7 support
    Billing expertise
    Data security

    Thanks in advance
  • Posted by nithya on Author
    Thanks, Mike. Yes, I know "now we are getting somewhere" is not a tagline :)
  • Posted by nithya on Author

    I want to convey the following about my company:

    24/7 support
    Billing expertise
    Data security

    These are a few of the taglines I came up with...

    Take care of your patients. We will take care of your billing

    We shorten your path to payment

    Every claim matters...

    But I'm not very happy with them.

  • Posted by nithya on Author


    What do you mean by nonsense????????? Taglines/slogans do help!
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    If the most memorable thing about the service you offer is the tag line you use, there's something drastically wrong with your business plan and with your marketing strategy.

    Seek to attract attention, not grab it. If someone were to make a grab for your wallet, you'd punch them in the face.

    Companies only increase brand recall when there is some "thing" (a result, an outcome, a solution) worth recalling. This first requires the welcome provision and eager receipt of the service or product.

    Leave the catchphrases to stand up comedians and presidential wannabes. If you need a slogan, opt for relevance in terns of a desired outcome. If you need a tag line, opt for lasting resonance.

    Instead of seeking "a lot of catchphrases, slogans and taglines to add to my content", make your content worth reading (and worth telling other people about) by telling stories of the ways in which your company has saved clients time, effort, money, and stress.

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