
Topic: Taglines/Names

Health Coach Needs Business Name Ideas Please

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

I am starting a business as a Certified Health Coach. My target audience is women who want to lose weight, lower stress, gain energy, balance digestion and feel better about themselves. I like the name Vibrant Health and Wellness but it is taken.

Its important that my name convey to women what they will get if they work with me e.g vibrant health. I live in Northern CA (Bay Area) and my clients will be over the phone and in person.

I will be working with a doctors office who is going to refer patients to me so I don't want to sound airy fairy or cutesy. The name will go on my brochures so needs to attention grabbing.

I would so appreciate any ideas or direction you all have.

Thank you

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  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    More important than attention grabbing, the name you choose needs to connect. That is to say, it's a little out of the ordinary yet describes what you can achieve for them. Plus you need to emphasize how you do this, there's always something special in a coach that really is unique. The people who like you most and will get the most from your services will find this magnetic. From the other side you need to extend the hand of trust - you need to take a risk and trust them first. You may get the occasional backlash - as I do here: I take risks answering questions - the point is that for your best customers this will have them feeling that you really can do what you claim. They'll start off by trusting you more, start off on the right foot.

    Most people just say these things, real ones demonstrate it in some way or other. If only you could get video brochures ;-)

    My first thought was The Zizz and then Lemon Zest Studio. Both of which describe the results of a healthier lifestyle. Neither of which would go down terribly well in the staid confines of a doctor's office. I feel that a doctor would be a little embarrassed to refer their patient to a Lemon Zest...

    ....................... I could be wrong ...

    You could be Michelle's Wellness Studio - only this is a little too pedestrian. In big yellow letters it would be attention grabbing, but then does the waiting room need distractions of that kind?

    Feel Better! Michelle McClintock guides you to wellness.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Why not simply:

    Michelle McClintock
    Certified Health Coach

    - or -

    McClintock Health Strategies

    - or -

    McClintock Health Coaching

  • Posted on Author
    Thank you so much for the responses. I'm giving a lot of thought to your advice and want to find the quality in me that makes me unique. My husband says it's my red hair LOL. But seriously you have given me something to consider. How can I convey trust from me and of me.

    I did think about Well With Michelle and other variations but they are taken, too. McClintock Health Coaching is available but do you think it's too dry?

    Ok so brainstorming my traits that make me unique..thats a hard one!

    I want women to know they can trust me with their health with a big focus on working with nutrition, lifestyle, careers and relationships, and emotional eating. My last client said what she like best about me was that I never made her feel guilty, she felt that I heard her and that I gave her real advice that she could use and she got results without starving. After 3 months she had lost 15 pds, kicked her soda addiction and learned to recognize and stop emotional eating.

    So keep those ideas coming! Thank you for helping me talk myself through this. You all are the best!

  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    These things just trip off the tongue ... "My last client said what she like best about me was that I never made her feel guilty, she felt that I heard her and that I gave her real advice that she could use and she got results without starving. "

    Do you realize just how big this is?????

    No guilt, no starvation? Those are ENORMOUS!!

    Now, they aren't going into your business name - that would be too cheesy for words. You do need to have a few client recommendations saying this kind of thing. Don't forget that the things that make you distinct and unique are actually very small. They will make a big difference. The not guilty approach coupled with no starvation seem more than adequate to me - especially as they're from a reference.

    Now as to names, this really is an issue for your clients. They are the ones buying, not me, not you. Them. As long as you're reasonably happy with the result - let them take the strain.

    These could help with names - or act as taglines.

    No stress wellness ( is available; note the dashes as the letters have no tails to identify the beginnings of words making it clearer what is implied). Your tagline could be "feel happier as well as getting healthier" that needs unscrambling, you get the idea.

    Guiltless to health (dull)
    Health without hardship (a little better)

    What do you think?

  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    These things just trip off the tongue ... "My last client said what she like best about me was that I never made her feel guilty, she felt that I heard her and that I gave her real advice that she could use and she got results without starving. "

    Do you realize just how big this is?????

    No guilt, no starvation? Those are ENORMOUS!!

    Now, they aren't going into your business name - that would be too cheesy for words. You do need to have a few client recommendations saying this kind of thing. Don't forget that the things that make you distinct and unique are actually very small. They will make a big difference. The not guilty approach coupled with no starvation seem more than adequate to me - especially as they're from a reference.

    Now as to names, this really is an issue for your clients. They are the ones buying, not me, not you. Them. As long as you're reasonably happy with the result - let them take the strain.

    These could help with names - or act as taglines.

    No stress wellness ( is available; note the dashes as the letters have no tails to identify the beginnings of words making it clearer what is implied). Your tagline could be "feel happier as well as getting healthier" that needs unscrambling, you get the idea.

    Guiltless to health (dull)
    Health without hardship (a little better)

    What do you think?

  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    Sorry, looks like button bounce. Apols. M xx
  • Posted on Author
    Wow thanks M! My big thing has always been to meet people where they are, not where anyone else thinks they should be. If you can only walk, then walk until you can run, don't try to run first.

    I do like the No Stress Wellness..easy and says it all. Do you think that will appeal to women?

    I kind of like Glow Health and that too cheesy?
  • Posted on Author
    What about Harmony Health and Wellness - Get Healthy. Be Happy. But that is taken on FB and the only website variation would be which may get confusing

    Be Vibrant Wellness, Be Vibrant Health Coaching, Be Vibrant health and wellness

    my current name is Holistic Avenues and it does not fit my brand at all and getting ready to launch a cleanse so I need to change is asap.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    My immediate reaction is that none of those names address your real quality. Because as with all these things, it's not what you do but the way that you do it. And getting personal so that they don't feel guilty or hungry is far too good not to put first in my reckoning.

    Think: in a consultation would the doctor give any choices to the patient in choosing a practitioner, or are they simply referred?

    As a female, I'd say that no-stress wellness does sound intriguing - if not directly appealing. After all, it doesn't say that it'll all happen by itself, it does imply that you won't be fretting. Well, that's one up for you, 99 to go ;-)

    do you know how to use Google Adwords? It's relatively simple - at least at the level I'm thinking of. If you do, let me know as I can give you an idea to get the name chosen by tomorrow AM - by females in your demographic range. Either that, or phone a few of your existing customers (and former customers) and simply ask them straight. I'm sure they'd be thrilled to help, give something back.

    Try three names:

    1) Harmony Health and Wellness
    2)No stress wellness
    3)McClintock Health Coaching

    (3) is the least engaging; 1&2 are equal. Either way you can emphasize things in your copy that aren't obvious in your name. Let them decide - just keep a tally with your pencil. The other thing is that you'll get some great feedback too.

    There is a 'no stress fat-loss' in Quezon city (Philippines) on Facebook.
  • Posted on Author
    I do not know how to use Google Adwords darn it. I was just watching a tutorial but not sure that was helpful. I can ask other people or put a vote on FB I suppose. But those people all know me which is ok.

    I appreciate you taking so much time to help me :)
  • Posted on Author
    What about Glowing Healthy - Michelle McClintock Health Coach
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    "Glowing Healthy" doesn't seem to add much. I suggest you go with Jay's solution ..

    Michelle McClintock
    Certified Health Coach

    It's not dry, it's clear. And you will always own your own name, as a brand.
  • Posted on Accepted
    McClintock Health Refresh

    Michelle (middle initial) McClintock
    Certified Health Coach

    -A healthier you begins with me-

  • Posted on Author
    I love that tag line!!
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    You can check out Howie Jacobson's site for a basic guide on Google Adwords, or buy his book "Google Adwords For Dummies" which will set you sailing in the right direction. Just by implementing the first three chapters will make your campaign effective. That will take you a morning.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you everyone for you time and attention to my question. I am forever grateful! Now I'm off to set the world a healthier place!

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