
Topic: Strategy

Relaunch Of A An Already Failed Product

Posted by yassinec on 250 Points
I need your advice about what s the best way to relaunch a product that was badly first launched.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    It depends on the customer base, the industry, and the product itself. It would also be helpful to know WHY the first launch went bad.

    It's impossible to answer your question without some additional information. The pat answer would be, "don't launch it the same way it was launched last time."
  • Posted by arnabbanerjee100 on Accepted
    tell me about your industry, product, company and especially customers in detail. only then i can answer.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Just because an initial launch was badly handled it does NOT logically follow through the product failed. Could you supply more details?
  • Posted on Accepted
    You might consider not "launching" the product at all. Instead, figure out where the problem resides (awareness, consideration, trial, etc) and come up with strategies to address the particular problem(s).

    Another approach is to find some people who love the product and build from there.
  • Posted by arnabbanerjee100 on Member
    by the way, the most important question is :

  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    please provide more details.

    One option would be to relaunch the product in a different geography, different market, or through a different channel of distribution.

    Another option would be to begin with marketing research, using a "ready aim fire" rather than a "ready fire aim" process.

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