
Topic: Taglines/Names

Branding Bandit Needed

Posted by roots2go on 250 Points
I need help with coming up with a "brand" for my company which I wish to use to represent the company as a whole and in the domain.

I am definitely trying to create a unique brand with the domain. I have an established LLC but I want my domain name to be the "brand" that is presented and will also function as my DBA.

The company is a full service marketing/advertising firm. We service all sized businesses but focus primarily on small to mid sized companies as our target market. We offer a vast array of services to include web development/design, social media marketing/campaigns/management, SEO, E/M Marketing/ VoiceBroadcast Campaigns etc.

I'd like the domain name to be something that sort of embodies fun, creative, cutting edge, solidity, trustworthy and be "catchy." I'd like to be able to tie a company slogan to the domain name.

The domain name should be appealing to both young and older clients and again, should convey that we are fun, creative, cutting, trustworthy, solid, and most importantly, that we're "experts" in our industry.
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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Hmmmmmm .... as a "full service marketing/advertising firm" I'm sure you have drafted a "full creative brief" for yourselves, as you would for your clients. And this brief would include a "positioning statement" that all clearly addresses your strategy within your competitive landscape.

    Care to share this strategy so we can make more informed suggestions?


  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    This is obviously very important for your company. Probably best to hire an expert and get clear focused attention.

    A couple of options:

    1. Post a project in the "Hire an Expert" section of this website. (See column at the right side of this page.)

    2. Browse the profiles of the top experts on this forum. You'll find several who can deliver what you need. Contact the ones who look most promising and see if they're interested/available.

    Suggestion: You might consider narrowing your focus ... both of services offered and target clients. When you try to do everything for everyone, nobody will take you seriously. Your "vast array of services" is more likely to be a turn-off than a benefit for your target, and "small to mid sized companies" includes millions of prospective clients -- not very meaningful, even to owners of small or mid-sized companies.
  • Posted by babbsela on Accepted
    Since you put "brand" in parenthesis, I'm wondering if you are asking the right thing. It sounds like you just want a catchy tagline and domain for your business.

    These things are not your brand: Your logo, your domain, or your tagline. They are part of your branding, but are not your brand.

    Your brand is what your company represents, your marketing strategy, and your brand promise to your clients.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Without delay, stop what you're doing and hire someone better qualified that you are to help you. Further progress or investment of time, money, or effort on your part will cost you dearly.

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