
Topic: Strategy

Marketing A Skilled Nursing Facility

Posted by eghalljr on 250 Points
I have the dual responsibility of admissions and marketing of a 100 bed SNF that is a older facility in a low income area. I am new to this aspect of long term care and need advice on how to market our facility.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    A good place to start is by identifying your target audience. What is the profile of the target audience? Who makes the decision to use a skilled nursing facility and which one to use? (Is it the patient, a family member, a physician, other?)

    If you don't know the answers to those questions, you can ask the people already there a few questions and begin to understand who the decision makers and influencers are.

    Then, once you know who makes the decision, you can begin to probe the criteria they use to select a facility. Do they visit several, ask for recommendations from physicians, look online for nearby options, etc.?

    Once you have a good fix on those positioning elements, you can begin to create a legitimate marketing plan.

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