
Topic: MProfs PRO Seminar Q&A

Social Media For Small Businesses W/ Sean Mcdonald

Posted by Anne Burkauskas, MProfs on 1000 Points
Welcome seminar attendees! Continue the conversation started during the Sept 2 MarketingProfs Pro seminar. This is the place to post your questions or comments for presenter Sean McDonald and for each other.

To all other KHErs: You're welcome to participate in this discussion too! Seminar attendance is not required.

Social Media is a Powerful Tool for Small Businesses--on Sept 2 at 12pm ET
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  • Posted on Accepted
    I hope Sean will address the time required to make an impact with social media. While social media may provide an "equalizer" for small businesses, it's the smaller businesses that are most often short-staffed, and finding time for social media activity may be a controlling challenge.

    How have others handled this potential limitation?
  • Posted on Accepted
    I definitely agree it is a time issue for small business owners. For every social media account one opens, that's one more "site" to tend to. Not only does one have to generate content for all their social media accounts, but they also have to market them. No one will show up to the account unless you tell them it's there. So you have your website proper, your Facebook, your Twitter, your Youtube, etc. Now market each one and generate content for each one and interact with your followers on each one.

    Don't get me wrong! I advocate the use of social media, because, of course it's essentially free, and it's a good way to relate to and attract targeted customers. I just see a lot of people letting their account fall to the wayside. I think people think social media is a fix-all for their marketing and it will open the flood gates to new customers. They don't see the amount of effort it takes to successfully sustain their accounts.

    Do you think social media marketing is more relevant for business to consumer businesses or B2B businesses?
    Or does it depend wildly on what industry the business is in?
  • Posted on Moderator
    So with all due respect for Sean -- and his experience/background are most impressive -- has he ever run a small business? Does he understand the time pressures on a small business owner first-hand?
  • Posted by mjsomar on Accepted
    @mgoodman - As someone who recently used social media to sell out a ballet performance, I can attest to Sean's relevance to the SMB's. In fact, he outlined many of the tactics that I used.

    - I spent 1 to 2 hrs a week on our facebook fan page.
    - I experimented and took risks.
    - I sought quality individuals over quantity.

    Small business owners have the time. IMO the barrier is whether or not the small business owner can grasp the value of social media.
  • Posted by sean_mcdonald on Accepted
    I agree until you run a small biz, you don't know all the nuances. I left large biz to start/run a small biz. My current business is Ant's Eye View. We are 18 months olds, with 16 employees, growing fast, too much to do in the day and have to make tough concessions for our customers and employees.
  • Posted by sean_mcdonald on Member
    congrats on your success in selling out the ballet performance. I agree you always have the time for what is important. We all make trade-offs in our time, it is a personal choice. Thanks for your comments and attendance.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Your "6 social principles" are good reminders that "social media" isn't a magic wand. It's a tool, that when used well, with the right audience, can be quite effective (and inexpensive).

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