Topic: Taglines/Names
Live Theatre Tagline Needed.
Hi, I am volunteering as a marketing coordinator for a local live theatre. The theatre is owned by a not for profit charitable group of community players. They have never marketing the theatre just themselves putting on plays at the theatre. They also have youth theatre and musical theatre all putting on a couple of shows a year in the venue. All of this has been volunteer driven for 30 years, but sales are down 40% and we need to bring in a new hipper audience. We are working on plays that appeal to the younger and we are slowly moving into internet marketing which I am working on. The venue itself is a heritage building from the 30's slowly being brought back to life so there is a capital campaign being done on that. My goal is to market the Theatre first and to promote it to the community. Big problem is the neighbourhood, has a rough reputation as the "east end" of town no real trouble but it is truly a bit of a rough area with a lot of issues about revitalization. I really like the idea of Theatre as the original 3D. I saw somewhere a line something like that but wonder if that limits us as a tagline? Any ideas would be helpful.
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