
Topic: Student Questions

What Is The Texas Rangers' Product?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
what do the Texas Rangers do, why do they exist?, what is their product, why are people watching the games and what are drivers for business.

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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    I feel WMMA's response was rather harsh, as I think this is a very intriguing question. Maybe it is some sort of competitive thing (he being in Houston and the Texas Rangers playing in Dallas).

    There are many stakeholders to a baseball team. Here are a few:

    - Any baseball team is definitely a business. In Theory, the team owners are trying to make a profit in how they run them (though many teams consistently do not).

    -Teams also add value to a local community through increased community pride.

    - Home games add value to the community through added income that comes along with the game (food, hotel, gifts, etc. bought by spectators, teams, press, etc. attending the game).
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    A product of the Texas Rangers:

    The world's greatest pitcher, Nolan Ryan.

    I confess, I sometimes lie like a dog and tell people he's my uncle.

    Shelley ;]
  • Posted on Member
    Randall, I can understand painting and mowing can be a waste of valuable time. When you return from the game your house is doubtless resurfaced, and the yard in perfect shape – it would not do to look bad to the neighbors, baseball game attendance or no.

    So why do you really watch the game?

    How does this help answer the question? A basis of marketing non-necessary products is some appeal to the ego – an identity link to a culture, etc.

  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Nolan Ryan was a Houston Astro AND a Texas Ranger. I believe he went into the Baseball Hall of Fame as a Ranger, though.

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