
Topic: Student Questions

How Can I Make Our Brand Real For Employees?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are currently in the process of re-branding an oil company. I know the theory about 'living the brand', but I need more advice make our employees 'live the brand' in reality. Do you have ideas for games, interactive workshops and other tools to motivate our employees to work alongside the same values of the company?

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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    There are a few excellent branding sites that may have what you are looking for:

    I hope this helps! Good Luck!
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    Please listen to what I'm saying very carefully because I truly want to hear from you again on this forum telling us of the rich developments that are about to develop for you. Because you desire to see the brand lived out gives me a strong indication that you're willing to pursue the proper avenues to get there. So Go for it!

    Well Valerie one of the greatest things you can do starting today even right now to help your workers live the brand is begin deeply living it yourself.

    As a man who lives deeply and passionately everyday to serve my family, friends, associates and clients I have learned from experience that you must model externally what you want people to receive internally. So I don't walk around boasting to people that I'm the *Customer Passion Evangelist because that's not enough to change peoples lives. I must begin every single day with the mindset that my most foundational purpose in life is to "serve people happy" which means I am here, living on purpose to make people happy by serving them in ways they have never humanly seen before. That means I must manage my own behavior first in order to persuade others of the truth of my title because they are not looking at the title they are looking deeper at the work ethic.

    In 2004 things have not changed "Talk is still cheap" because our actions are speaking so loudly people can not hear a word we are saying. I recently instructed a national trainer for a Senior Care facility to begin to care more deeply for his workers because what comes from your heart reaches the heart. So Valerie if you really want to see real change in your companies employees and I know you do please do the following.

    Deeply live the brand yourself (Everything must be lived from the inside out).

    Live it Passionately (let it all hang out! It's better to have tried and failed than to have failed to try!)

    Live lovingly from your heart (Valerie you've got one time to make a great first impression on your employees and that first one is still a lasting impression)

    Model externally what you want to see internally in others. Here's why (because you still reap what you sow and if you're not finding that your employees are living the brand maybe it's because they are having trouble seeing what the brand looks like in living breathing technicolor. After all this time the fruit still doesn't fall far from the tree. Well Valerie you're the tree. (People can not go where they're not lead. & leaders can not take people to places that they have not been (It's why people keep begging Former Lakers and Bulls coach Phil Jackson to come out of retirement. He's been there before). It's also one reason why the best corporations hire coaches and trainers and speakers. They help take people to places others can not.

    Live the Brand - Valerie live as if Branding your companies image is your calling. If you eat it, drink it and sleep it they'll get it. Are you gettin' it!

    "Serve People Happy" - Live to make your employees happy to be working for you more than anyone else.

    Talk is Cheap - if I can't show them it's not worth talking about. Act like you were born in Missouri. "Show Me" what you're made of!

    I know these ideas work. Try them for yourself and send me an email to tell me the good news. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE

    PS Start loving the life you live and your customers will follow. Remember insanity is doing the same thing but expecting something different.

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