
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For A Non-profit

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I work for a non-profit (Microfinance Centre) that is a network supporting microfinance (financial services for poor and excluded) in transition countries. We came together with a tagline "Bridging the Market Gap" to reflect the work we do to extend financial services to those that are left behind by the market. However, we would also like somehow to reflect that we are a network organization so we do it in partnerships together with other organizations active in this field. The alternatives we have come up with are:
"Together Bridging the Market Gap" or "Bridging the Market Gap Together"
"Microfinance Centre - a Partner for Bridging the Market Gap"
I would appreciate your feedback on this tagline as well as any other ideas you may advice. Thank you!
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  • Posted by iFocus on Member
    I would choose Together Bridging the Market Gap...

    What about:
    A global network for local impacts/changes
  • Posted by nidhi.bansal82 on Accepted
    Hi. The tagline 'Bridging the Market Gap' is good. However, if you want to indicate that this is through partnerships with other organisations, dont fail to keep in mind that the tagline is still meant for the end consumer. If we say 'Together Bridging the Market Gap' or the other two options... it indicates to the person that it is through a partnership between Microfinance Centre and him. We should be careful of that. Hence, a tagline like the ones below could be considered by you...
    Together to Bridge the Market Gap
    Connected to Bridge the market gap
    Our Network Your Bridge
    Joining hands to Empower You
  • Posted on Author
    I am really impressed by the speed with which you have responded to my request. Thank you so much!!! This is very valuable feedback.

    Since I am not a native speaker, another issue I have is whether we can use the word "together" at the beginning of the tagline "Together Bridging the Market Gap" or rather this should be expressed differently (together in the end of the tagline or "together to.. bridge the market gap").

    Thank you in advance for your support.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    My confusion is who is referred to with the word "together" - the reader and your organization or your organization and someone else. I understand your intention, but it creates ambiguity.

    Why do you want to convey the network aspect in the tagline? Does it help strengthen the benefit you're providing or is it something politically motivated?

    Who is the tagline intended for? Businesses looking for micro finance, other lenders, or donors?

    As a business owner, I wouldn't understand "Market Gap". I would understand needing money. So a tagline like, "Connecting You With Small Business Lenders" would be more useful.

    As a lender, I would think that "A Small Business Investment Cooperative" would be clearer.

    As a donor, "Helping Small Businesses Succeed" would be on-target.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you for your email. It is important for us to stress the cooperation part since this is our main benefit to our members and partners we work with. Our network promotes development of the emerging sector through bringing together different actors: institutions serving micro-businesses and poor households, donors, investors, policy makers, thus we want to strengthen the collaboration aspect. We are a platform for different organization to get inspired, get in touch with others of similar goals and establish cooperation. The purpose is the bridge the gap. The way to do it is a focused collaborative effort of different players to get a leveraged effect. So reflecting cooperation is important for differentiation reasons.
  • Posted on Author
    I would like to thank all of you for your advice with relation to the tagline for my non-profit network. It has helped me and my team to come up with the final one. Appreciations!

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