
Topic: Student Questions

Mba-marketing Student

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points

I am extremely impressed with this marketing forum and I admire everyone who posts messages and replies to other questions!

I am currently pursuing my MBA with concentration in marketing for an average University in Texas. I must admit that I took a hasty decision of doing MBA here. I am an international student and before coming to the US, I gave my GRE and got accepted in MS-MIS program. When I actually came here I changed my mind and decided to go ahead with MBA.(I'll not elaborate on how the change happened-it is a long story)

Gradually I realized that people in the USA pursue MBA from top 10-15 Universities otherwise they don't. I am not very happy with my current MBA program because most of the classes are held in the evening, its more of a part-time, for working professionals MBA. Because of this I've not been able to make any good contacts/friends too.

My main question is - Will I be able to land up a good job in my career? How are MBAs from average universities received in various companies in the US? Is there any hope at all?

I would greatly appreciate responses from anybody of you...Will be of great help!

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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Dips.

    Don't despair.

    You may not see the value now - it sounds like you don't - but continue to study your a** off and pick and choose your learning teams wisely.

    Since your learning teams are probably a large part of your grade, don't stay in one just for convenience or because you don't want to you hurt group's feelings.

    If you have to "hurt feelings" to jump ship to one that has goals and objectives more in line with yours, than do it!

    It may take you a couple of years after graduation to realize the benefit and edge you have, but if you really focus on your program and learning as much as you can, this will pay off either in what an employer will see in you, or in your own confidence and ability to start your own company.

    You have many years to put your education to work and over time, if you enjoy business and marketing, you will not regret nor be denied the financial gains that you expect.

    I hope that helps!
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    There is a world of opportunity for you! Don't depend on your degree or collegiate background to ensure your success. This is a marketing ploy exercised by schools. Although a nice collegite background can look great, what matters most is your ablity, talent, drive, ethics, and dedication.

    I don't have an MBA OR an marketing degree. Not that I'm Donald trumpl, but I am doing just fine!

    Get invovled with forums, perhaps some of us will let you work on some of our projects as a private internship (this will impress the hell out of future employers and partners), start netwarking...start here! Subscribe to the email alerts so you are notified everytime a question is posted and start expressing your ideas. Don't be afraid, we are a supportive group!

    Good Luck!

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