
Topic: Taglines/Names

Online Adventure Sports With Slogan!!

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi Everyone...

First off I'd like to say great site; I've read a few of the forum postings and I'm finding a wealth of suggestions for people in same situation I'm in...needless to say I had to immediately register and post! lol

I'm working on an online adventure sport website designed to be a reference source hi-lighting gear manufacturers, sport associations, equipment reviews, etc. Although in development, I hope to one day expand to actually selling gear and equipment...if you're in the U.S., envision something like an REI.

I've spent a great deal of time coming up with a decent name, designing a logo and most importantly, laying out the website (not yet up; slated to be built by yours truly). However, I'm missing a really good slogan...and could use some help! =)

The name of the company is Moxie Sports...coverage will include adventure sports such as triathlons, cycling, backpacking, scuba diving and so forth (24 sports in all). Here are some of the ones I came up with, but I could really use some input. My mind's obviously tainted a bit, I'm very interested to hear if any ofthese have a ring to them, or could be envisioned as a tagline/slogan for this company. Or if you have some great ideas of your own, I'd certainly love to hear them!

Some considerations:
1. Just add adrenalin
2. One world, infinite adventures
3. Pursue your passion for adventure
4. Sea to sky adventures
5. Bold by design
6. When enough, isn't
7. Gateway to adventure
8. Adventure's proving grounds
9. Adventure redefined (or personified)
10. Dare to try

Any help, input, advice is greatly appreciated and I'd like to thank everyone in advance to taking time to ready my post! And most important, be honest! lol

Thank you!
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Let me start by saying I love the name Moxie and I love the "Just add adrenaline" option.

    Don't second guess your list, the majority of them are strong. The only ones that I personally would remove are:

    Sea to sky adventures - sounds like a travel agency to me

    Gateway to Adventure - sounds blah to me

    Adventure's proving grounds - you have to think too much about the meaning initially

    Good luck and great job defining yourself!

  • Posted by jpoyer on Accepted
    My vote? Just add adrenalin. It's catchy, memorable and appropriate for the venue. Kudos.

    XPRT Creative
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    We did a quick poll around here and Just add adrenline is a clear winner'

  • Posted on Accepted
    just add adreneline is my favorite hands down.
    I've been to the moxie festival in maine- and the LifeMoxie seminar in San Francisco. Moxie is associated with some cool stuff- good luck.
  • Posted on Member
    like others my vote to "Just add adrenalin"..

    here is some extra input from my side-
    "An Adventure venture"
    "Twofold your adventures"

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