
Topic: Taglines/Names

Help Name A Hedge Fund

Posted by Anonymous on 350 Points
Hi there.
Time to put on those naming hats!
I would really appreciate any thoughts about the name of a company - it does VC funding and is also launching a hedge fund.

Previously, the name was ‘Catalyst’ but now a bigger player has come in and taken this name – therefore it needs to be changed.

We considered ‘catalyte’ – but is it bad practice to have a name so similar to a competitor’s? We thought of other ideas on this theme (ignite, fuse, fuel) but apparently these are too ‘trendy’ (for lack of a better term) – I need a ‘serious’ name.

‘Heron’ is also under consideration – which came about by thinking of ancient heros of mathematics. What do you think of Heron? Any other good names under this field? Or general advice? Or new paths to go down?

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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Centaurs Capital Investment
    (Astronomers can't decide whether to think of Centaurs as comets or asteroid-like KBOs)

    Slab Partners Group

    I'll think on this some more,

    - Steve
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    about catalyte --

    name being used already although not a competitve area.

    "name so similar to a competitor’s" is real concern

    I don't connect with it in anyway
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    How about Bedstone Partners Group.
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Hi there, Frances!

    I don't like Catalyte (laughing with Nicko) or Heron (not by itself, anyway -- give that bird a COLOR or a FLAVOR). And with apologies to David, I'm fiercely opposed to nonsensical made-up words ... like Viant, Scient, Accenture, Sysco, and Cisco. Blechh.

    I can make some offbeat suggestions, but read the warning label first: "This brainstorming exercise does not imply that the author has run any traps on or even on Google."

    Okay with that? Then here goes:

    Octave (or even better, Four Octave) Funds
    Provident Funding
    Blue Bang Funding
    Ignition Funds
    The Kismet Fund
    Windfall Funds

    On these Naming questions here on KHE, I often feel like Mary Poppins. "I never explain anything."

    If it feels good, use it!

    - Shelley the Insomniac

  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Oh, it's Herod, not Heron? Not too sure about that one.

    If you're going for the ancients, what about Cicero?

    Some other ideas, weirder perhaps than the first batch:

    Confetti Funds
    Rimshot Funds
    Endzone Funds
    Missile Funds
    Trajectory Funds
    Thunderbolt Funds
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    “... the name was ‘Catalyst’ but now a bigger player has come in and taken this name – therefore it needs to be changed.”

    If you had established the name Catalyst in the marketplace, typically a bigger player can’t just take it – hope you sought legal counsel to inform you of your rights.

    That said, the name is for both venture capital investment and a hedge fund and your bother doesn’t like “trendy” sounding names like ignition, fuse or derivatives of Catalyst.

    With this background, and understanding the need for stable, long lasting names in the financial industries, I was thinking of something foundational. Yes, it’s not going to be a break-away-from-the–pack name, but for your brothers situation maybe it shouldn’t be.

    Bedstone was a composite of bedrock and cornerstone.

    Other words to play with in combination could include:


    So names like MountainRock, Foundstone, Matterhorn, BlueAlps and the like are options.

    Hope this leads to more ideas,

    - Steve
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Rambling in a Q&A thread is highly underrated! I think it helps a lot, especially with Naming questions.

    Ramble with pride, Frances! ;]
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    I'm always out of the box...try it...and you'll get


    Any of these will work because it never hurts to try something different and you never know how much you'll like it until you try it. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

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