
Topic: Taglines/Names

Home Inspection Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are starting our own Home Inspection company. I am an established inspector in our community (2 years with another company). The name of our new company is ProTech Property Inspections. I am looking for something to distinguish our level of personalized service from the rest of the pack. Thanks for your help. Let me know if there is any further information needed.
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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    just on the surface, you could go with something like this:

    ProTech Property Inspections
    A Higher Level of Personalized Service

    However, to ensure your success you will want to research the marketplace, meaning your customers and their needs as well as the competition. Do you have a marketing plan? Do you have a positioning brief? These are essential to stay ahead of the competition.


  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Before you focus on "personalized service" as your distinguishing characteristic - be sure that this benefit matters to your target market. How specifically will your extra service benefit your client? Would they only be used when buying/selling property, or is there a recurring service that you could offer?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Jay took the words right from my keyboard.

    "Personalized service" might mean something to you, but it may not mean much to your prospective clients. Or it may mean something very different to them than it does to you.

    You should probably interview a few people who have had recent experience with a home inspector and see what they say when you ask them a few high-gain questions about their experience.

    Take your market research project seriously, because you will probably uncover a really powerful positioning benefit in the process, and it's that benefit -- expressed in your tagline -- that will set you apart from competition. And the specific words people use are important, because you want your message to really resonate with them.

    So don't spend your time (or ours) on the tagline until you have the positioning nailed down. And if you need help with that, let us help you. There are a number of experts here who can steer you through the positioning minefield. It's a lot easier to navigate if you've been through the process a few times already; it's almost impossible to do it well the first time on your own.

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