
Topic: Student Questions

Celebrity Endorsement

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
do you agree that celebrities actually transfer their personality traits to the brand's personality? is their any theory on celebrity usage
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    hi smridhikapahy,

    hummmmm good question.

    the answer to your question is :YES!!!!

    when a spockes person such as a celebrity endorser
    , advertising effectivness depends on the crediblity, trustworthiness, expertise, and the likeability of the spokes person. the meaning transfer model (wink wink) works with celbraity endorsers . the celebraty endorser n develpos a meaningfull Persona as a resalut of the roles she or he has assummed in the past and in the socail context, persons, and objects with which she or he has interacted in those roles. in this way the endorser draws meaning from the culturaly consititued world. for example, the characters they protray in films and television from Harrison Ford's or hongkongs star Jackie Chan's heroic personae and julia robert's or Indian star Hrithink Roshan's(i think that is how you spell it) romantic personae.

    an example woulb be this ad for omega watches
    this provides an example of the meaning transfer model. the target market is meant to attract Cindy Crawfords (no realtion to me) fashion credibility, developed though many years of association with the high fashion clothing and make up to the watch she is endorsing. to understand this the target market must recognise Cindy as a fashion icon her self, that her persona is synonymous with fashion. the meaning transfer process is completed when the customer buys abd wears the watch. he or she then has the opertunity to capture and enjoy some of the meaning associated with the endusers persona. in the endorsment process, the meaning moves to from the celbraity to to the product throught figuress of speach, closness, similarity and so forth.

    here are some links past questions which will give you more info:

    i also did a google search:

    this might have some good info but i dont have time to look for you.

    have a nice day

    Carl crawford

  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    Hi there

    the answer is

    the consumers perceive that the Celebrities' personality traits are reflected in the brand which means that Consumer believe that celebrities actually transfer their personality traits to the brand's personality.

    Celebrity Endorsements are more of associating the consumers with their aspirations/dreams, Lifestyle etc which is they fantisize after seeing the same of the Celebrities. For example Pepsi once used Micheal Jackson as their Model to tap into the youth's aspirations/lifestyle, the pop culture.

    apart from Omega, Breitling, Rolex, Tag Huer (again watch) are examples of Celebrity Endorsements. Tiger Woods for Rolex, some of the top name in Mountain Climbing/Aircraft /Yacht racing are CE of Breitling, F1 champion Micheal Schummacher for Tag Huer. By the way, apart from Cindy Crawford, 007 James Bond also endorses Omega.

    Interetingly, BMW or Aston Martin never (at least i have not seen them) in their advertisements use 007 James Bond as their CE, but in the 007 movies James Bond in subtle way endorses these when he drives BMW or Aston Martin.

    I agree with Carl's comments on how celebrities are associated with the brands.

    Carl, you spelt it right of Hrithik Roshan. ;)

    hope this helps.

  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    I definitely think there are areas where using celebrities works. For example, Michael Jordan promoting Nike basketball shoes.

    But there was a recent announcement of celebrity endorsements which surprised me, and could be good case studies to watch as they play out:

    1) Christina Aguillera will be a spokesperson promoting staying a virgin until you get married

    2) the Olsen Twins (one of which recently was in the hospital for an eating disorder) promoting McDonalds.

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