
Topic: Student Questions

How To Write A Marketing Proposal

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
sunshine airways have been in operation for nearly two years and is aiming to expand its services from its existing flights within new zealand to other destinations in the south pacific and australia. However, management at sunshine airways has decided to first conduct market research before making any expansion decisions. I have been hired as an external research consultant for the airways, and I need to write a brief 600 words research proposal that describes my research approach.

This is the first time I write a marketing proposal and what structure or style does a marketing proposal normally have? What are the important points I have to mention in my proposal in order to impress the management team at the Sunshine Airways?
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    hi olivialo,

    i suggest you click ont the "Search Questions" button, then type maketing proposal.

    i did it and came up with this question that has been already asked.

    you also might want to try (i think this is the right address but i dont have access to my favorites at the moment)

    hope this helps

  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    What progress have you made so far? Have you performed any work toward your project on your own as of yet?

    Try and search this website (upper right-hand corner, black box) for "proposals" in order to view many articles and tutorials.

    I know this kinda mirrors Sweetasman01's post, but you may want to search the whole site as well as the forum.

    Try: too.

    Good Luck!

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