
Topic: Strategy

Vp / Bim / Tco Please Elaborate!

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
What advice can you give me about carrying out Value Propositions, Business Impact Models, and Total Cost of Ownership Assessments.

I'm a new Product Manager and witsh to learn quickly from expert sources about the tools i need to use.
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    Value Proposition - this is the value of your product to the customer. You can use case studies to show how your product benefited other customers, as an inference to the value you would provide the customer reading the case study. Some basic tools to calculate the value (even just an Excel worksheet) are useful.

    Total Cost of Ownership - this is what it really costs the customer to use your product. I'll use cars as the example - when you buy a new car, you also need to register it, get insurance for it, buy gasoline, do routine maintenance, and do non-routine repairs when something breaks. So the total cost of ownership would be all these costs (and any others I may have missed) added together over the life of the car. If your product is one that has other costs associated with its use, it is good to understand what these costs are and find thge best way to address this with the customers.

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