
Topic: Taglines/Names

Any Name Suggestions For A New It Consulting Firm

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I want to start a new IT consulting firm/Placement Firm.Looking for a nice and short name and a tagline for it...please help.
Appreciate if i could get some nice and business related name
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  • Posted on Member
    I do this sort of service. If you're interested in hiring me, get in touch. I'd be happy to help you.

  • Posted by DougM on Accepted
    Hi performance technology placement and consulting.
  • Posted by DougM on Member

    pronounced - Veh-laus-eye-Tee

    available domain - www.velocIT.NET

    Good luck.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    Before we can do a good job of coming up with naming ideas for you, it would be good if you can tell us what your positioning is.

    Who is your primary target audience? Be as specific as possible: What geography? What kinds of companies? What industries? What size? What's the buyer's title? Etc.

    And what do you offer that makes you any different from, and better than, other companies or individuals who provide a similar service? What's the unique benefit you promise your clients? Why should they hire you?

    Without this information, we're just shooting in the dark when we come up with names. How will you know which of the naming suggestions to accept? What are the selection criteria? If you can tell us that, we have a chance of helping. Otherwise it's not likely we'll accidentally stumble on a winner for you.
  • Posted on Author
    Hi All,
    Thank you all for taking time out and responding back to my posting.I am planning to start a new IT consulting firm/Placement Firm.My target Audience is IT Industry.I have worke for almost 16 years now as an Account Manager in a Consulting firm here in California.My primary job was to meet
    my clients (managers,HR Personnel...)and gather requirements and then fulfill those reqs with qualified IT consultants.I am planning to do that but my focus is to tap on Existing clientle i have and tap the market in EAST coast.So the first step towards that is thinking of a name for it and also if possible a domain name with .com(i don't prefer to have .net,.org).I loved the name that Doug suggested VelocIT and also the tagline he wrote but its domain name is not available with .com.I thought of names like ipercision,sourcelogix,techbytes,Siliconx but have not been able to get any one of these names with .com domain.If i dont get .com i would love to go for VelocIT which me and my husband just liked it so much.But waiting to see if we could find a nice short name where we dont have to spell the domain name for everyone .But ofcourse the search has just started.I hope this will help.And a special thank you to DOUG --the name is excellent ....but as i said i just started my search ......appreciate any inputs ...Thanks
  • Posted by DougM on Member
    I liked that one a lot too. You could call it Velocity Network Solutions and then VelocIT.NET would be fine.

    If you have to have a .com, you could go with....

    ScalabilIT (
    Scalabillity Technology
    We adjust to meet your IT placement and consulting needs.

    Good Luck!
  • Posted on Author
    Appreciate your prompt is good and the best part is its domain name is also available.But if i have to choose VelocIT still looks better.I must say you give some great names and the taglines are really great.But i am thinking of something short that i dont have to spell for anyone.Like i came up with "SPIRE" but its not available ...something like this ..i hope u know what i mean.Like if u tell someone and they just know it.At this point i dont mind .net or
    .org but something short and easy like Spire.What do you say.
    Any suggestion.
  • Posted by DougM on Member
    I like Spire alot and I spent some time trying to make up words that sound good but are not currently words as many successful companies have done and it is very difficult.

    Regarding the .com, .net issue, I would not do .org as it traditionally is a non-profit organization. I am a Realtor and wanted to use my but found that another Realtor had my name and already was using it. So I have been down that road. I went to the .net and spend an inordinate amount of time trying to make sure that people know that I am the .net one.

    Good luck.
  • Posted on Member
    Your id gave me a clue; (along with Doug's names as inspiration, here goes...)

    How about "ReachIT" - Your Access to IT People & Solutions" or
    "Your Helpline to IT People & Solutions"

    Dont know about domain availability... !

    All the best,
  • Posted on Author
    Hi There,
    First of all i would like to thank you all for taking time out and helping with these great names.I loved the one suggested by Turqiz,By Jane ReachIT, also the one Vic suggested PersonnelIT and went online to see if any of these domains are available or not Unfortunately none of these are
    available with a .com . I myself am working really hard to get something nice and register it immedaitely but can't find one.
    Will keep this question still open and see if i could get great ideas from masterminds here.Thank you to all and appreciate if you could still look for more names.I am very actively looking for one and need to register it i hope u understand how urgent is this to me.
    Thank you all once again and hope to get some more names.
    Take Care
  • Posted on Author
    Thanx for all the name suggestions.Thats-it .com is certainly not available i checked it twice on and to check the availibility.About the list above i liked Prof-IT(from Professional instead of Profit..what say)... .My hunt is till on..lets see.Will keep you all posted with what domain is available.More name suggstions....please let them in...need them badly...

  • Posted on Accepted
    Preet, is available. is also available. But I know these dont sound as good as Reach IT. is also available.

    So, how about - "EffortsIT" - 'Providing IT Solutions & Staffing'

  • Posted on Author
    Turquiz and jane,
    Appreciate your efforts.I am not sure which ones i'll go with as am still working on it.But all the suggestions that came in really helped me think about new names.I'll go online and check which ones are available and will keep you posted on that.As of now i'll close this question.Thank you all so much.

    Take Care.

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