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The dramatic shift in consumer habits around video consumption is largely the result of more time spent online and far more options available than just "traditional" or "linear" TV.

The change is staggering: 84% of video viewers watch videos on YouTube, and Instagram and TikTok are close behind, according to a late 2021 survey. As for TV, US viewers age 18-43 spend an average of 63% of their overall TV viewing time on streaming versus cable, broadcast, or satellite video content, Gartner reports.

Couple those dramatic shifts in behavior with Nielsen's decertification by the Media Rating council last fall, and it's clear that legacy frameworks for creating TV and video strategies are not sufficient to serve marketers' needs.

So how do they create planning tools and measurement options amid massive industry fragmentation? Here are four tips.

1. Abandon the single-source-of-measurement mentality

Relying on one partner, whether Nielsen or any other, to recreate the framework for how to measure is not a realistic expectation in today's media environment. No one source can do it all in a universe that's as fragmented and evolving as video is today.

Although moving away from a long-established industry standard can feel uncomfortable, there are a lot of reasons for brands and marketers to be optimistic about where TV and video are going.

Growing channels, such as connected television (CTV) and online video, don't require the concept of a "currency" such as Nielsen for buying and measuring. Those channels are natively addressable and measurable, and they can be bought in much the same way as other digital channels that afford marketers flexibility and enhanced audience targeting options.

Therefore, brands can create their own measurement frameworks to focus on the metrics that can more predictably affect business outcomes. That opens up the world of measurement partners focused on industries and categories that cater to more relevant brand needs.

2. Consider a holistic video strategy

We know that people's behavior is changing rapidly. So too must the modern marketer's approach to reaching audiences that spend time with video.

It's not just about TV in the way that we've thought about it for so long. Today there is data-driven linear TV, addressable TV (ATV), CTV, over-the-top streaming (OTT), online video, and social.

The opportunities grow by the day, and that reality gives us a lot more tools in our kit.

The best place to start is to think about reaching your audiences where they are today. Keeping abreast of trends and examining how to maximize brand experiences on those platforms is critical when setting strategies and planning budgets.

From the perspective of brands, experiences are happening across platforms and across devices, but consumers are not thinking about that. They are seeking experiences that add value and tell a story irrespective of device or channel.

3. Use the new formats at your disposal

Video is a fantastic tool for engaging with your audiences, but doing so effectively requires a strategy that maximizes the tools available in all of the important new channels.

Many large marketing campaigns still start with TV spots that get repurposed for other channels. Increasingly, that is the wrong approach. Because there is a good chance that your audiences are spending more time in online and social channels than they are watching TV.

If that's the case, your video assets should be shorter-form and shot vertically to display natively on mobile devices. They should be vignette-style to take advantage of sequencing options within addressable digital platforms. Often, a TV spot should be a secondary consideration that capitalizes on the engagement you're driving online rather than the reverse.

4. Rely on technology to help

Because the modern video landscape is so dynamic, having the right technology to fuel your strategy is critical.

Once again, there is good news for brands and marketers here. Much of the modern TV and video inventory can be purchased programmatically through demand-side platforms. Much of it can be delivered through third-party ad-servers. Platforms such as Double Verify and Integral Ad Sciences can help to verify your spend and protect your brand.

The right mix of technology platforms will be different for every brand, but advances are being made every day that will allow you to better align planning, buying, and measurement of your TV and video campaigns to best align with your specific business goals.

* * *

Our industry looks entirely different today than it did just a decade ago. Its future, undoubtedly, will surprise us.

We have a powerful role in creating that future by re-examining the channels available to us and using our insights and the power of technology to engage with audiences, deliver value, and create better user experiences through the use of modern video marketing in all its forms.

More Resources on TV and Video Ad Measurement

Five Ways Digital Attribution Can Improve ROAS for CTV/OTT Advertising

Data, TV, and the Limitless Focus Group: 4C's Josh Dreller on Marketing Smarts [Podcast]

Did My Video Ad Work? How to Use Simple Tools to Measure the Effectiveness of Online Video Ads

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image of Scott Ensign

Scott Ensign is VP of strategy and partnerships at Butler/Till, a female-owned, 100% employee-owned, results-driven marketing agency and one of the fastest-growing private companies in the United States.

LinkedIn: Scott Ensign