Nurture marketing allows you to engage with your B2B leads by providing relevant content until each lead is ready for Sales. It allows you to remain top of mind and accelerate the buyer's journey by helping leads understand their business problem and how you can help solve it.

Many decision-makers begin to research solutions before they are completely ready to make a purchase. It takes, on average, 10 marketing-driven "touches" to help a lead's progress from the top of the funnel to the top line. Tracking lead interaction and response will allow you to thoughtfully navigate their communication experience with your company.

Emails are an important and effective piece of nurturing leads, but all activity—from Web to phone—is meaningful. You can even set a task in your CRM for Sales to follow up or automatically change a lead status.

Companies that excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales leads at 33% lower cost, according to Forrester Research. With results like that, it's obvious that nurture marketing should be an important part of marketing strategy.

This video from Salesfusion's Marketing Minutes Video Series provides an overview of what nurture marketing is, along with best-practices for successfully building and executing nurture campaigns:

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Marketing Video: What Is Nurture Marketing?

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image of Kate Moore

Kate Moore is director of revenue marketing at Salesfusion, a leading marketing automation provider to small and medium-sized businesses.

LinkedIn: Kate Moore