"Back in the day, I was into punk rock," says David Meerman Scott in a post at his Web Ink Now blog. "It was loud, it was NOT disco, there was a culture surrounding it, and the cult-like followings for the bands were intense." And even if you didn't share his affinity for the punk ethos, a video embedded in Scott's post is likely to intrigue you.

Produced by Engage | ORM, the 2 1/2 minute piece draws a fascinating parallel between the rise of punk rock and social media. "Back in the 1970s the music industry was controlled and conservative," begins the voiceover. "Music was safe and samey and soft and soppy. Someone had to shake and break things up just so they could take part. They called themselves punks, and their revolutionary weapons were cheap guitars, fuzzy amps and arresting behaviors." Sound familiar?

Punk focused on topics often ignored by the media, continues the narration, and cared more about being heard than producing a polished product. Major labels ignored it at first, but became interested when they saw the potential for profit. "Through new wave and power pop," says the video, "they watered it down and sold it to the masses. Just like big media now does with interactive tools and technologies. But corporates could never really like, listen to, or get punk."

The corporate world might have an easier time working with social media, however, because of its more powerful and mainstream nature. "The challenge for big," concludes the video with a healthy dose of Marketing Inspiration, "is to listen. Listen to the attitude; respond with respect."

More Inspiration:
Paul Williams: Be An Explorist: Let Your Get-Away Inspire You
Paul Dunay: When Was the Last Time You Talked with a Customer?
Michael Rubin: How to Get Great WOM


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