Disclaimer: MarketingProfs did not ask me to write this as a promotion. I just believe strongly in what they have put together in this conference and know that attendees benefit greatly from it.

There's still time to register for the MarketingProfs B2B Forum! If you are contemplating whether to stay home or go, I say go! There are many good reasons why, but let me supply the top 5 reasons why you should attend this year's B2B Forum.

1. Great Content & Education

If you are in B2B marketing, this is a great place to get a good dose of education. From the workshops being taught on Monday by yours truly and one of the best in B2B Ardath Albee to the sessions throughout the show, you are going to get some great insights and practical take-aways from this event.

2.  Networking

I know at every show you hear about the “power of networking” but in today’s social age, it is more powerful and relevant than ever. The opportunity to network and share ideas as well as learn from peers is invaluable, and MarketingProfs does a fabulous job at providing these opportunities throughout the event.

3.  Access to Pros

One of the things I like the most about this show is the one-on-one “therapy sessions” that MarketingProfs arranges for attendees. These sessions are designed for folks who want insight and advice, and want to go deeper in their understanding and approach to the challenges they are facing within their organizations. If you have a specific challenge or issue you want to address, I highly recommend signing up for one of these sessions.

4.  The Diversity of Speakers

One of the many things I love about the way MarketingProfs has designed their conference is the mix of vendors, analysts, and end users they have as their speakers. This provides such a well-rounded view of the B2B landscape that you are bound to walk away with new perspectives and insights into the challenges you face daily.

5.  It’s Just Fun!

We all work extremely hard and, to be honest, at this conference, your brain will be in overdrive, but I can tell you that it will be fun. The conference is fast-paced and exciting, and has a buzz about it. Why should it be any different?  I have stated before that there is no better time to be a B2B marketer, and this conference embraces that.

I hope to see you in Boston in the coming days. If you were on the fence before, I hope this has helped you make your decision.  Go and register now!

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5 Excellent Reasons to Attend the MarketingProfs B2B Forum 2011

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image of Carlos Hidalgo

Carlos Hidalgo is a life design coach, marketing and sales consultant, author of The UnAmerican Dream, and a TEDx keynote speaker. He has held corporate roles, started entrepreneurial ventures, served in nonprofits, and sat on many corporate boards. Hidalgo and his wife host The Life Design Podcast.