Over at Communication Overtones, Kami Huyse shared a beautiful sentiment: "The blog content should feel like a gift to the reader." She went on to share her ideas for 10 types of corporate blogs with a sense of purpose and mission to their reason for being.
- The Insider. Give an insider's look at your company or one of its well-known employees, some people love to feel as if you are letting them in on a little-known secret
- The Culture. Highlight your employees and their day-to-day experiences, share your culture outside of your firewall
- The Customer. Highlight your customers experiences, link to their blog posts or let them write for the blog.
- The Link. Cross link to other blogs that write about the things that matter to your organization to build goodwill and relationships with influencers
- The Comment. Comment on other people's posts, even when they have nothing to do with you
- The Trend. Write about interesting trends in your industry
- The Crisis. Address "hot button" issues head on. If you can't talk about something say that, and explain why
- The Practical Use. Cover the innovative and practical ways that real people are using your products
- The Solution. Find out what keeps your customers up at night and help them address these problems and/or interests
- The Community. Participate in social networks where you customers gather, add value beyond your product or service.
Learn more:
A Blog Should Feel Like a Gift: 10 Ways to Improve Your Corporate Blog