Two years ago less than half of all consumers used search to find a local business. But today that number is upward of 74%!

However, most small businesses today still don't have a website in fact less than 10% of small business owners are online. For them the problem is not just that they don't have a website but promoting their website as well.
Enter Yodle
Yodle helps small service based business get a web presence and then help them promote their business by buying lots of niche keywords and syndicating the results to local businesses. (ex Teeth Whitening Union Square NY)
Yodle growth has been outstanding (around 700% year over year) which should come as no surprise since their customers are long tail and so are the keywords they buy for them.
Check out my podcast with their CEO Court Cunningham –

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About Court
Court Cunningham is the CEO of Yodle, Court oversees all aspects of operations and strategy, including technology, product development and sales and marketing. Prior to joining Yodle, he held the position of COO at Community Connect, a niche social networking company, where he lead consumer marketing, product management and development efforts. Before that, as SVP/GM of the Marketing Automation group at DoubleClick, he was instrumental in establishing DARTmail as the industry leading email marketing solution.
Court received a BA in English from Princeton University and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

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Yodle: Managing the Long Tail for the Long Tail!

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Paul Dunay is director of global field and interactive marketing for Bearing Point (