When you first discover you have a problem or challenge, before searching solutions... be sure you're about to fix the right thing. Who has the time, energy, or money to fix something that isn't broken? But, how do you determine what the true problem is?

One method is to examine your problem from both narrower and broader perspectives... Is your problem a wall? Or is this problem really about smaller, contributing factors - the bricks. Or is it actually a symptom of a larger issue - a cathedral.


To determine what may be contributing to this problem - the bricks - ask these questions...
  • What is stopping us from solving this?
  • What else is stopping us? (repeat)

If you end up with a list of answers, your actual problem will be found in these underlying issues. Spend energy solving these issues and your original problem should be solved.


The wall is the perspective most of us start with when we begin to work on a problem.
Use the brick and cathedral questions to try to narrow or broaden the nature of your problem. If you can't, then you have your problem identified. Nice work. Now, fix that wall.


To determine if your problem may actually be part of larger issue - a cathedral - ask these questions...
  • Why do we want to solve this problem?
  • Why else? (repeat)

With this question, if you end up with a list of answers, your problem is more than likely a symptom of some larger issue. Focus on the larger, big picture challenge.
Next time you're faced with a challenge, use these questions and be sure to solve the right problem.
Shameless Plug: This was the article sent out as the September "Sand for Your Inbox" eNewsletter. Click and Join the Idea Sandbox membership If you want free tips and techniques like this delivered to your inbox each month.

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Hi there!

I'm Paul Williams... guest writer on Daily Fix and founder of Idea Sandbox.

I'm a professional problem solver. Through brainstorm facilitation I help people create remarkable ideas to grow their business. As one client put it, “Idea Sandbox turns brains into idea machines.”

Prior to launching Idea Sandbox in 2005, I spent 15 years building marketing, branding, and customer-experience strategy for The Disney Company, the Aramark Corporation, and Starbucks Coffee Company.

I founded Idea Sandbox driven by my passion to help others create remarkable ideas. I blend the skills and lessons I have learned to build a sandbox---an idea sandbox.

You can reach me on Twitter via @IdeaSandbox.

Through Idea Sandbox, I have helped solve challenges, grow brands, think-up remarkable ideas, and create innovation for companies including: Starbucks Coffee Company, Starbucks Coffee International, Panera Bread Company, Seattle’s Best Coffee, Woodhouse Day Spas, The Microsoft Corporation, and Wells Fargo Mortgage.

I am a writer, speaker, columnist, and brainstormer living just outside Washington DC, in Alexandria, Virginia.

If you like what you've read here, you can find more of my thoughts at my Idea Sandbox blog.

I always welcome comments and reactions to what I've written. I'm on Twitter: @IdeaSandbox

Nice to meet you,
