Recently for Marketing Voices, a podcast I host for, I interviewed Kevin Anderson, the blogging editor for The Guardian, based in London, which is the largest daily newspaper on the web. This paper posted one of the first blogs in 2001, and to me it represents one of the most forward-thinking newspapers.
Now I come to find out that a recent survey of Nielsen/NetRatings reports that the online editions of The Guardian and the Times of London have more American readers than British readers. I think this is interesting news. People want views or opinions expressed in their newspaper --not just news.
The Guardian is providing that today. According to Nielsen/NetRatings, this is especially true for the younger Americans. I think it is interesting that no American newspaper has implemented the news and business strategy that The Guardian has pursued. Maybe the Wall Street Journal with its new owner will take this new path, and it would be wonderful if it did.
The fact that the "younger" generation is interested in reading newspapers by giving them "ViewNews" could be a boon to our education.
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